
Read reviews by movie critics? Movie critics have about the worst possible reviews around, almost on par of just shitty reviews meant for review bombing. It's the whole reason that they've become a meme on the internet lmfao 

I have never watched any of these soulless live action remakes by Disney, nor I intend to — so I refrain from giving it a score, good or bad, just like I have not given a score to any of the other live action remakes but something about Halle’s facial structure triggers my uncanny alley; I think it could be that her

You don’t need a smear campaign to give another one of these cash grabs from Disney a bad review. The movie is ok. Halley is really good in it but everything is is mediocre. The F/X work is also absotlutely terrible. But give Disney credit, they know they can make these live action remakes with a built in fan base

It seems to be a toss up right now. It did ok at the box office, but it got steamrolled by The Super Mario Bros Movie. However, it was very well received by critics and audience, and lauded by fans, so it could have legs in streaming. Also, while Wizards are being very greedy and incompetent with it, they clearly want

I’m probably in the minority, but I am looking forward to this way more than Avatar 2 - the liquid boogaloo

It was accidentally streaming for about 12 hours there about a month ago!

Do it an put it on YouTube. You’ll get views just because Giz did an article on it.

By the logic of this post, there’s a 35 year old 486 in my closet that can play X-Com 2 because it can remote in to another desktop running Windows.

Setting aside the parasite possibility, it usually is OK to flush cat litter made from natural materials (basically most non-clay based litters), assuming you’re flushing into a sewer system, not a septic system. (Septic systems have all kinds of complicated shit going on, so be damn careful what you introduce to

In any game with any sort of creative freedom, I feel that flaming dick is almost a default that someone is going to try making.

I noticed some people online who didn’t get it, so people CAN miss it. I really liked that scene btw. It got me.

And about Groot’s new stature, remember this isn’t Vol. 1 Groot. This is his offspring, so (as offsprings tend to do) he grew up to look like this.

He’s not the same exact Groot, he’s more like his son.

This is a different being than GOTG 1 Groot.

I don’t see how anyone would’ve “missed that”. It got a big reaction where I saw it.

Yeah isn’t representing one business... it’s where a bunch of auto recyclers list what they have. And some do a better job than others.

Well, I am sure the city of New York will use it to fine you for something they dont like in your backyard. is your friend when it comes to getting parts cheap to keep an old vehicle going.

Recently got a Pixel 7 Pro and honestly it’s so far underwhelming after all the hype. The camera(s) are fine for a phone but you’d have to look pretty hard to differentiate pictures from those taken on older mobile devices.

Still using my Galaxy S10 after nearly four years and I’ve found zero real reason to upgrade yet. Also bought it unlocked so I’m only paying about $45 per month for 5G service with AT&T.  FYI, if you buy your new Galaxy through Samsung the price for the unlocked model is the same as any of the carrier-locked ones, so

If the iPhone is being monitored, how can I quickly deactivate it?