
That, that right there.

Producing our own would be logical and beneficial, but this current administration is full of political activists who are ignorant in their rush to move to green energy. In the meantime we ship oil from other countries who pollute the environment much more than we would. And by the way, those tankers run on the

Lol, not gonna happen as long as the Biden administration seeks to “accelerate the transition”.

Um, it’s a communications satellite that uses common protocols. The users can easily add their own encryption without any super secret backdoor activities.

This is concerning for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that it’s “fill up you oil tank for winter” time. I used to have oil heat and I truly feel for those people who have it still, seeing $6 a gallon fuel rates. And while I know having gas or electric is no picnic either, it’s sure hard to stomach the

Although Starlink’s thousands of satellites each maintain a non-geostationary position in low-Earth orbit

Although Starlink’s thousands of satellites each maintain a geostationary position in low-Earth orbit,

I have a spreadsheet I’ve used to realistically compare my ICE vehicles to potential EV replacements. The $/kWh is hugely important in this calculation. If I’m overnight charging at home for my daily commute, EV is hugely cost efficient from a $/mile perspective.

Don’t forget to account for the 25-30% (or more) reduction in range when it gets cold outside too.

I don’t know what you are smoking saying most gas cars have 200 miles range...

A couple years ago, I became a NMS billionaire the “hard”/slow way - I manually mined a crap-load of cobalt, sold it a Space Station (which then crashes the local economy purchase price by about 80%) then bought it all back at less than I sold it for. I’d then spend 30 minutes or so buying more cobalt a few hundred at

There’s a worrying lack of perspective on this in some of the subreddit comments too. There are people very bitter that their ships have been nerfed and now they have “years of hard work wasted”.

This will get lost since I’m commenting so late, but I actually have the answer. I used to sell Buicks, and I leased a gagillion and 1 Encores to old grannys. They loved them. Not the GX, the normal one. Old people with 850 credit scores can lease them for 2 cents a month and since no one else wants them, they’re

To combat the problem, we’ll need more folks charging their cars during the day, like while at work or out and about town.

This is one case where the added ride height of a CUV is 100% important. It can be hard sitting down and getting up from a corolla-height car when you’re in your 80's.

Well, something was bound to go right sooner or later...

I gave a quick scan of the CDC notification that this article is written off of, and it didn’t have that information in it, so I think it’s probably just a case of the CDC saying that it’s circulating and we all should be aware of that. But I agree, it would be nice to know if there were pockets or hotspots. 

I feel like now would be a good timed to point out that there is a huge difference between the RICO case described in this article and a civil RICO case.

One of the depressing nuances of yelp, google reviews, etc. One needs a trained eye to notice a reviewer who is just looking for something to bitch about. 

Neutral: Yes, when the queen passes away the anthem will go back to “God Save the King” It will be a while before our British friends will be singing God Save the Queen again, because I think the next 4 in line are Male heirs.