
Legends was without a doubt the best.  Would have been nice to get a final season to wrap it all up. 

i mean, there is no rocket currently in operation that can launch 90+ tons to leo. so yes, it is very capable by today’s standards. the question of whether the entire artemis mission is a good idea at all is a very different one, but it would seem silly to me to just gut a nearly working rocket after spending so much

If SpaceX’s projections for Starship end up even being like, half-right, the SLS will be an obsolete joke by like 2030 at the latest. If the optimistic projections are right, it’ll be an obsolete joke by about 2024. If they’re completely wrong, and the Starship ends up never working then sure, the SLS will be a “very

We don’t “let” them. We vote for them, again and again.

so carriers are hiring foreign pilots

Fuel prices have spiked too. just reported that Jet Fuel prices in some parts of the US are north of $7/gallon, in some places it’s cheaper to get Aviation Gasoline or Sustainable Aviation Fuel...but even then you’re paying about 50% over and above what auto gas sells for.
I subscribe to a news service about

Paul Allen watched A LOT of Thunderbirds as a child

So we force pilots to retire at 60 but we let walking corpses run the government?

To be fair, most airlines suck at the best of times.

I’ll tell you what’s “hard at work” here... our dear old friend, the sunk cost fallacy.

So Cool.

It’s pretty easy to be sustainable when your population is negligible. For context, 50 million shells over 1,000 years is 137 oysters per year. Let’s assume that only 1 out of 1000 shells made it back and survived, it’s still 140,000 oysters per year or 380 per day. Not exactly putting serious pressure on an ecosystem

But it’s dumb. The “look at this gadget” stuff is impossible to screw up, but this article is rough. Some kid who doesn’t know ANYTHING about HyperLoop, bashing Musk on a major platform.

I really don’t understand why this website  hates this guy so much.

I love it ! It has a very WTNV feel to it...

I dunno, this kid’s obviously a dick, but these ubiquitous platforms banning people because they say naughty things that hurt people’s feelings is just making me feel icky. We shouldn’t celebrate every time someone we don’t like gets ousted from the public square, unless we are the ones doing the ousting, not the

Counterpoint: it’s fun, nothing is being forced, and nothing will be ruined if I’m wrong.

Yes you are. Y’all ruin things for yourselves by forcing to connect dots. You see how that turned out for Wandavision theorists.

We should be building nuclear plants. Alas, idiots. 

Holy shit, I actually remember reading that issue back in the day. FUCK I’m old.