
I agree that the constant uniform changes are getting ridiculous. But then, my working uniform changed four times during the 20 years I was in the Navy. That’s not counting the optional and organizational clothing.

The turtlenecks with colors corresponding to specific jobs always struck me as a direct nod to the Navy’s flight deck jerseys. Developed in the 1920s on the Navy’s first aircraft carrier, USS Langley (CV 1), they’re still in use today. Other countries use the system as well, including China.

I get that every show has to have a look, so you can visually identify it as that show. However, at this point I think Starfleet probably just sends out a JCPenny-style catalog every year with uniform options and lets each fleet pick out what they want.

The first couple of pilots were obviously produced for an era of television in which most viewers still owned black-and-white sets. When the show got picked up in 1966 the shift to color was well underway. and that’s why the cast was given bright red, gold, green, and blue outfits, and the Enterprise sets were painted

Wouldn’t the Ukrainians just, you know, keep the vehicles? Throw in some diesel? 

Nah. They wear it incorrectly because mostly they don’t want to wear one at all.

Given most people aren’t actually anti-mask, your sweeping generations don’t really hold up. Most people are also vaccinated, with the COVID vaccine having the highest adoption in history.

Why are there not PSAs about this running on TV incessantly?”

If you’re familiar with international travel, you’re familiar with showing up somewhere and catching a mild cold or similar. Probably going to the UK this summer (family), and I’ll be masked. It's just one more way to mitigate another mild inconvenience, covid notwithstanding. I like to take a shit before I leave the

“People will be allowed to not wear a mask in indoor spaces” - that is hilarious right there, given that most places OTHER than airports and airplanes, mask usage is *maybe* 25-50% at best everywhere I have been for the past six months. And given I travel for a living, that is a LOT of places. The average barn cat

Media Monkey is pretty great. I’ll always have a soft spot for WinAmp. I remember spending hours looking for the perfect skin to use.

a potential idea: Particulate scanning which then takes results an pushes out a cryptographic key. scan it on return. If the key is different, it’s contaminated.

Just like that, our first opportunity to study a truly alien ecosystem has been destroyed.

I was going to ask “The Tesla almost hit Mars?”, but then I looked it up and I suppose 5 million miles at closest approach counts. In astronomical terms, that’s barely a walk down the street to the chemist’s!

Skurge from Thor: Ragnarok. How cool it is when one redeems themselves with a pair of M-16s called Des and Troy. 

It had to be Mordin. Someone else might have got it wrong.

Mordin had a scientific bent to his story. At the time, he thought the genophage was the correct thing. Time passed, things changed, and his thinking changed as well. What was right then was not right now.

G'kar is the most believable redemption arc I know of.   By far.   

I’m going to cheat a bit as it isn’t a traditional redemption storyline as the character never involved regretted his prior actions, but I actually think that makes it better somehow.

The intertwined Londo, G’Kar and Vir arcs of Babylon 5.