
Unless you’re being truly outrageous, they don’t have many sticks... but they have some carrots.

That said, even if you get nothing for it, there’s a certain satisfaction in being the change you want to see in the world.  Plus I find it... it’s more pleasant to be pleasant.  Though I’m not afraid to be assertive when

Must have been Disney World Paris.

Yeah, that was probably just regular ol Florida, maybe near Universal? Either that, or you were high. Either is to be expected in Florida. But seriously, I’ve gone several times over the last 25 years, up to just his past December. Every time, everything is clean and perfect. The rides all worked, nothing seems out of

Now playing

Emergencies Act should not have been used for this situation. The local and provincial police as well as federal police and intelligence agencies have already enough resources and laws as well as funding to confront this.

It’s not just David and Jason leaving man. It’s the broken comments system. It’s the constant listicles. It’s the lack of proof reading, the lazy reprints/links to other outlet’s articles, the ill advised hot takes like the “It’s okay people are robbing trains because they lost their jobs” article from a few weeks

I had been reading Jalopnik for a little while, but I remember making an account to just to comment when Jason’s VW had been spotted after being stolen. I’ll miss Jason’s sense of humor and snark, and I’ll miss David’s penchant for hopeless rust buckets. I hope nothing but the best for you guys!

Same, Tracy and Torch were the only thing keeping this site in my daily rotation, so Jalop will be getting subbed out for whatever their next project is

Finally, this may be the push I need to stop visiting this site. You guys were the only ones that made it bearable. Best of luck in your future endeavors! 

Dang, is this the end of Jalopnik? Can’t wait to see what’s next for you guys, I’ll be watching closely!

Well, time to remove Jalopnik from my bookmarks. I’m looking forward to what you guys are up to next. And fuck Jim Spanfeller. 

God damn it.

Will there be a Jalop article pointing us to where you two have gone, or do I just have to remember to google your names every few weeks?

Oh... I, uh, don’t know if I’ll still come around anymore much after this.

Almost sounds like he had a mental health breakdown.

Why do you always assume a misinformed article is kosher because it has a tertiary relationship to cars? Honestly, I don’t get it.

Part of Tesla’s loopholes are the carbon credits, EV credits, Alternative Energy Credits, etc.

They are using the credits that the environmentalists pushed on the country to cover their tax burden.

Here’s a big hint for everyone. The Green New Deal is this X 1000. You think there are too many companies getting rich

It’s a bad sign when the writer can’t make it through the headline without giving away the fact they don’t understand the subject they’re writing about.

1. “Federal taxes” =/= solely income tax. Where’s your payroll tax analysis?

When my kids were young, if we gave them sweets we didn’t want them asking for, we just didn’t tell them the name of what it was. My kid was dying to have ice cream again but didn’t know “ice cream”, and I was like, “Cold? Milk? IDK, you want a glass of milk?”

That’s a bit of a false equivalence. A seatbelt is part of a product that is sold to a consumer, I am fine with requiring a level of safety in consumer products. There is a little part of me that wants people to be able to make choices about their own safety. However, if somebody chooses to ignore safety rules and