
They take fucking time and effort.

okay, you aren’t wrong, but in this case i’m comfortable making a faulty argument because the “problem” they’re tackling - scalper bots - is cartoonishly far from the top of the stack of priorities.

Why are they using the manufacturing capacity on that and not the Series X.

Because scaplers hate the thought of people buying Series S instead of Series X and PS5.

Console war BS. There also always seems to be some backlash when lesser-powered systems see success (Switch, Wii, DS, although some of that has to do with people wanting Nintendo IP on other systems and their success prevents that).

Fanboy console war bullshit I assume. There are going to be so many kids doing Fortnite dances on Christmas morning because they got a new Xbox to play CoD on and there’s nothing middle aged internet babies can do about it.

They aren't limiting demand, they can't meet demand. There's a big difference.

Honestly I am starting to have a hard time telling crossovers apart. They look the damned same. What a sad time to be alive in terms of the boring vehicular landscape...

We live in a world where every US President is either the antichrist or the second coming of Jesus, depending on which cable channels you watch. I have no doubt in my mind that “The New York Mass Hysteria” would be swept under the rug by major world religions, who would suddenly lose all their power and influence if

Well Gozer is a God. 37 years might just be a blink of an eye.

Yeah, no, Ghostbusters is absolutely a comedy first.  You don’t hire a bunch of SNL and Second City alums to make an adventure movie.  You hire them to do what they do best: comedy.  

I enjoyed the movie thoroughly. I feel like this talk of “fan service” from some commenters (and other io9 writers) is conflating “fan service” with “easter eggs.” Finding a Twinkie in the glove box or a Crunch bar in Egon’s jumpsuit are easter eggs. Arguably, the end when the Ghostbusters show up to help our new

No. It was an Action Adventure with comedy in it.

I would rather more...

I think they are packed too closely to blend. the inside seats are probably pretty safe. People tend to forget life before air bags, we had meat bags and quite a high proportion of children actually survived childhood.

Ain’t nobody making minimum wage in those ports

But what was the item?

It’s pretty low on the totem pole. I imagine even less in countries who aren’t as rich as us.

May want to also add that this is the UN we’re talking about who are essentially powerless. 

If people are going to make such a hassle of a diner meeting then I’m just going to skip the whole thing. I have enough fat, I can/should miss a meal. Might join them later for drinks...