
Not gonna win any points with this, but I don’t care:

I’m guessing you’re about as educated on Bialik’s opinions as most of these other people responding are, you read a few headlines. No on really gives a shit if Blossom hosts special event Jeopardy episodes. Fuuuuuck you and people like you. 

It’s always suspect when they only provide you with their characterization of her comments, rather than the comments along with the proper context.

I’m truly not being disingenuous - and if you take nothing else from this, I would ask you consider that. I obviously have no way to prove this. Nor does Matt. Nor does Bialik really. But just consider what it says if your response to all of us has been to assume the person is a bad-faith actor. I’m not going to

Thats my problem, she seems like a nut, but it also sure seems like her bad opinions are being misrepresented to make them seem even worse. The article doesn’t accuse her of being insufficiently zealous in pushing back against a bad opinion, its ascribing to her the bad opinion she says she disagreed with.

Anyone remember Deep Blue? We should just get them to host Jeopardy

*incriminating evidence of a tryst with Microsoft’s Tay and nazi radicalization ensues*

Throw a dart at the wall of Jeopardy! hosts.  There’ll be a skeleton or ten in that person’s closet.  At some point they’re gonna throw up their hands and shout “FUCK IT” and hire someone and not give two shits what we say and swallow a few years of lesser ratings as we just get used to them.

She sounds awful, and most of that stuff would cause me to not want to watch her in anything.

But I don’t understand why the vaccination stuff always leads these articles about her except that its attention grabbing given the state of the world. “She once had a frivolous view of vaccines but changed her mind.” Why is

Yeah, I am excited for how beautiful it looks and I know there will be a goosebump moment about loving humanity, but I did kind of feel fatigue that it’s a whole save the world thing. I guess because we spent so long building up to Thanos, that introducing this conflict so quickly feels strange, but at the same time

Bad advice (outside of removing as much as possible prior to cleaning).

I’ll put a dab of soap into the frying pan, run hot water in it, then let it sit for 15-30 mins.

It only depends on what your vision for the endgame is.

Biden made an awful lot of promises about how the withdrawal would go that sure haven’t borne out. 

O no who cares

It is true. I will never be verified. But I also do not have any Twatter account so I do not care that much.

Usually true, but not in this case.

I am an adult with a full-time job that does not involve the media in any way.  This will have absolutely no impact on myself or anyone who fits that description.

You mean I may never be verified on a toxic website full of hate and rage where people’s various grievances get fanned by their bubbles of likeminded individuals.

You know what? My mom says I'm verified to her, and that's all that really matters. 

I think the simplest answer is maybe this game isn’t your type of game at this point.