
Lol, right. In the comics there is a whole government agency called Damage Control that is dedicated specifically to dealing with all the collateral damage caused by superhero shenanigans. They are briefly mentioned and make an appearance n Spiderman Homecoming. But my understanding is they deal with physical damage.

The issue with any prequel is that we know broadly how it will all turn out. I would have focused more on the new characters, especially Yelena, since we’d have no way of knowing if she makes it out alive or not. I will admit with the “American Pie” motif and the emphasis on the “this’ll be the day that I die” lyric,

Dude, if she invented the pheromone blocker why is it even on her? She’d been cycled through Red Room multiple times before Natasha was born. Red Room existed before she did and it would exist without her. I’m not saying she doesn’t have anything to answer for, but calling her the real villain is a bit like calling a

Laughed my ass off when she gave it a shot and felt dirty immediately afterwards.

Why the sarcasm...

That’s why Jackie Chan was the best action hero. He always got hurt. In Rumble In The Bronx, he gets completely destroyed in the alley. He has to take the time to heal, and rest before he can take on the gang again.

1) Hawkeye was just as willing to sacrifice himself, she just beat him to it.
2) Hawkeye had young children, and she didn’t want them to grow up without a father.

My local (Regal) cinema did a complete referb during the COVID lockdown. It was a treat to go back to the theaters and meet up with friends that I haven’t seen in a while. Felt like old times, before the whole pandemic.

Having seen F9 and Widow in IMAX now that those movies demand such a format and the restrictions have been mostly lifted here, I’m so happy to be back. I missed the experience of sharing a MCU movie with fellow fans

Same with Iron Man, starting with the very first movie, as soon as he blasts his way out of the terrorists encampment and plummets to the earth in a metal exoskeleton at velocities that should have easily killed him.

Dreykov is the real villain. I don’t want to say that what Melina did is all right, but Melina is a woman who was trafficked as a child, abused for decades, conditioned to such an extent that she physically couldn’t hurt her abuser. Is it really so surprising that a person who’d been through all of that would have

Your right. And it does not bother me THAT much. As I said, I enjoyed the movie a lot. I just felt like this go around they really did not worry about physics at all. But I still had a blast.

I especially loved Yelena’s constant mocking of Nat’s superhero landing.

Honestly, I love going to the movies. The popcorn, snacks, the whole event. You’re also forced to focus on the movie and automatically eliminate any distractions (phone).

I real life this would kill him, and he doesn’t any sort armor at all. But it’s all good, this is movie land. Perhaps in the MCU, even baseline humans are significantly stronger and tougher than real world humans. This would extend to mental toughness. Could you imagine living in a world there are regular

I don’t disagree with you, but at least there they can claim some sort of Stark tech magic in his suit. Black Widow and Hawkeye are literally just people with no real armor with specific high value skillsets.

Honestly, Tony Stark's brain should've been pulverized to mush years ago from various g-forces in his suit.

A combination of people are just getting back out there again, first MCU movie in a while, and Black Widow’s solo so it makes sense. I dunno if it would do as well if it came out before the lock-down.

This. The only reason I can imagine why Ford is going with modular is because they are outsourcing their battery supply. They would definitely need this modularity in case they ever need to change their source to a different supplier.

It’s the first-ever record of a community of animals living on a hard surface underneath an ice shelf, and it defies all theories of what kinds of life can survive in these extreme conditions.