
Mosquitos are still assholes.

Once an asshole, always an asshole.

As a Mom, I always thought the worlds most toxic substances were to be found in diapers, and it turns out, I was right!

Actually, grasshopper really is a modified falcon 9 v1 first stage. The tankage and structures are the same. The substantial difference (aside from the obvious landing gear) is that it uses just a single Merlin 1D rather than the 9 Merlin 1Cs that the other falcon 9 v1s had. This matches the return configuration of

As stated elsewhere in this thread, it's only the first stage, which doesn't need to reach orbital velocity. By the time it's done its job, it's also immensely lighter than when it launched (the structure of the rocket is a small fraction of launch weight, the rest being fuel), and needs correspondingly less fuel to

I agree wholeheartedly. Can we just stop talking about this fucker please? Oh no, his pants dropped down! Must have died doing something depraved and sexual because why not?

Is this important information? Do we need to still be talking about this jerk - not the crimes he committed, but the supposedly scandalous way he died with all the salacious details? No. Let's not turn this into a tabloid story. Let's work to change a society where he could commit disgusting crimes for years in plain

"Oh no, my free content isn't presented exactly the way I feel entitled to get it."

So then, the price of a cup of coffee at a Starbucks is about right now that you get two for one, instead of the inflated one they charge now.

Congrats, you might be an idiot.

I completely disagree about the belief that everybody should change their own oil. I have performed every mechanical auto repair possible, including having worked as an auto mechanic, and have learned that oil changes are one of the services that I do not mind paying others to do.

I'd love it if it was Robert Carlyle delivering that, "So what?"

Actually, the Valeyard has just been mentioned in the Name of the Doctor, so he seems to be part of the continuity. Also, the rule may be old, but it has been referred to again and again (the Mawdryn Undead is a story that comes to mind), it's not easy to handwave away. especially if a good story can be pulled out of

I prefer it to go one way or the other: handwave it, or make it matter. If it affects The Doctor in any way, make it a really, really big one that completely shakes him. I almost prefer going big, because there's a precedent for it (The Valeyard, anyone?) and honestly I'm curious about what the writers can come up

You keep ignoring the word militant. Steve never said that it was the average Muslim, just the militant ones.

I don't think the film called for more character development or a more developed backstory. Stone's transition from stunned detachment to renewed vitality works through the images alone even before the dialogue introduces a specific past trauma that makes the random violence of fate about more than high-speed space

I'm guessing you have never lost a child. It's debilitating. Life turns empty and its the worse pain one will ever fill in there entire life. To come back from that darkness unscathed is nearly impossible. I have yet to do so myself. So the story line of her daughter really hit me on a personal level. It's very

I noticed the fetal position she got into half way into the movie, but I didn't make the connection to her "birth" at the end. Frankly, I don't really see what difference those little metaphorical nods make one way or the other. Still a hell of a movie.

Those are adult women consenting to performing sexual acts on their photographer. They really should have spoken up if they truly felt uncomfortable. I understand why they didn't, but that's also a choice they made. If they refused and were ostracized by their management, that management should be sued. If