
"Take it out?"

This ability is simultaneously the greatest benefit and the greatest harm of our digital/patching age.

I like that programming errors can be altered if they slipped through testing or were just told "ship it" despite knowing it existed and planned to patch it later.
I DON'T like that a single

Uh, I read it. But I'm not sure why people insist on picking on the South. More people from the North are moving South, so a lot of those who live in the South are transplanted Northerners. I'm from the South, went to school in the South; by far the most racist people I've been around are from New York and New

This is hacked together... My outside door handle broke and I couldn't get a hack inside the door to work, so this is my handle. I have to open the back door and pull on the duct tape which pulls the inside handle (which luckily still works). The trick is to always have something in my hands to put in the backseat

NFC tag stuck on my car for my cell phone that makes it connect to my car's bluetooth cassette adapter, bluetooth earpiece, starts music, etc. does that count as a car hack?

Glad to see the whole thing prefaced with a "do they Really want/need a smartphone". I know I'm guilty of pushing too much technology onto people, more than they wanted much less needed, and it just causes frustration for all.

I think it's more amusing that this small rather insignificant post in the grand scheme of things has garnered more attention for the fact that I used the term 'female', rather than 'girlfriend' than for the point of the post itself.. The human mind continues to surp.. oh wait, I'm not really that surprised. Should

Yeah, see I was just trying to make it less about the stuff that was up there, and more about the fact that I have stuff to begin with. Sorry it wasn't overflowing with romance and mysticism. Please don't slip on the vomit beneath your feet.

So sorry- I should have clarified: "Girlfriend"

I don't want to look like a hobo on vacation.

Why does it even matter what color she is? I mean this is simply racist for pointing out her skin color. You play a game to enjoy a game not for Sex, Race, or religious beliefs right? I mean if you do then you clearly have some problems you need to work on.

P.S. I'm from a mixed family and if you saw me on the street

I'm only an hour into the game, but I had absolutely no thoughts as to her race until I saw this article. I HAD considered her skin tone insofar as thinking to myself that it was a lovely shade... But somehow that didn't make me think race. I suppose that's a good thing... Or maybe not, since I might have simply

I'm finding it hard to say exactly what I'm thinking in a way that makes sense and is relevant to this article and the whole subject of black video game characters... So yeah...

I honestly think you want racial diversity without a character being defined by their racial background. That's a fair ideal to work towards. The only problem then becomes if the main character is no different for their racial background why couldn't any other lead character be transposed into that role and work just

Reading the comments, and seeing she is mixed race, and looking at the recent Cheerios commercial getting racist comments on YouTube. I would have rather have seen article asking how in the 21st century we are talking about anyone's race and making it important... Good or bad.

This game takes place in the far future right? I'd hope that racial issues (like the ones Aveline would have to face) wouldn't really exist then.

Frankly, this is what we need. More diverse characters, and more games to not make a big point of how diverse they are. Diversity is awesome, but when you spend your entire time, be it in movie or game or book, focusing on how non-white (or non-straight, or non-male, or non-bunny rabbit) your character is, they're not

One uses the phrase "sounds black", but what does black sound like? Or does one mean "Urban" because i know plenty of people who speak urban. Then again, one of my best friends is black, but he sounds just like any white guy I know, if you play online with him, you would never know what his ethnicity was. Well, except

Great article and I agree. I actually read her as multi-racial, which fits with the game's near-future Cyberpunk setting.

Oh, what the heck, I'll bite.

Not really, if I'm helpful, I'm helpful. Even on a superficial level, if someone's life is made better by a face lift, and I helped toward that, then great! I just like the thought that my body will still be somehow useful after I'm done.