
That’s a really good question. You’d think millions of boomers who grew up with Acme, Wile E. and the Roadrunner would be a near guarantied audience.

I agree, pretty much. You’ve got to have energy - and LOTS of it - to crack water to H2 and O. Part time, unreliable and diffuse energy’s not going to run a civilization that wants to keep the lights and industry on 24/7.

Nah, I know why it doesn’t change. They’ve got a worldview, and it doesn’t matter if it meshes with reality or not. Nukes bad, fossil fuels bad, renewables good whether it works or not and if not it’s because not enough money was thrown at it or fascists stopped it or oil companies killed it.

Well, this is Gizmodo. Would you expect competence and unbiased coverage?

It’ll be undone for one reason - it won’t work without massive government subsidies that will, at some point, be unable to keep up with the increasing costs. (We won’t even refer to the technical difficulties.)

When we had to replace our 20 year old set, the feature-packed washers didn’t, in my estimation, have sufficient utility to pay for the higher prices. Like you, I don’t need to know everything down to how many seconds remain on the spin cycle and the temperature of the hot water...

The Covid years may or may not have delayed it.  Let’s see how things are around 2025.

Certainly doing a lot better than HughesNet. Or Iridium.  Don’t think they ever made a profit.

This is Gizmodo. You were expecting better?

“Meh, so it’s essentially a placebo.  Some’ll take it and think they get better, that’s all that’s important.”  - FDA.

Price per drops when you build loads of them (like the Raptor engines that they’re mass-producing.) but it’s hard to say how many of them are going to be built.  I’d be rather surprised if the count was going to even hit three digits.

Won’t disagree much there.  The SLS wasn’t, I think, ever really meant as an operational and usable system.  (Kinda like StarLiner - that thing just needs to be scrapped...)

Is it just the materials/fuel are scarce or hard to produce or the sheer volume of metal/fuel or is it the rocket assembly, etc.”

A whole lot of it is facilities, facilities maintenance, personnel costs, tooling costs, machinery/crane/vehicle rentals and the like. You can kind of see the progression on display with

Even after getting a ~5 page opinion...”

Probably only about 30 seconds difference either way. Hell of a way to die...

Same - though I liked it for a while, I ground to a point where I HAD to team up to progress, and since I’m a solitary player by preference that was pretty much it.

And it dug out what’d have to be excavated anyway, in a rather energetic manner.

That’d be an interesting outcome - certainly more unusual than just natural gas...

1,008 new coal plants have been announced, are in the permitting process or are under construction.

That’s one hell of a UTI you got there. Might want to go see your doctor - but until you can get in try Azo Standard, it’ll help with the symptoms...