
Nah - sunk cost fallacy applies.  Just like the HSR debacle in California.  They’ve spent billions on it already, and haven’t finished the first segment.  So they’ll continue, because too much has been spent to stop now.

Sometimes the simulations and engineering diagrams don’t show their problems until you actually start building. I seem to recall a problem with landing gear clearance on either the 777 or the 787 - seems someone hadn’t meshed two blueprints properly and... oops, things just wouldn’t fit.

As it is, the tower seems to be a clusterfuck of problems on its own. They may need to revamp it completely.

Yep. amazing. Five years behind schedule, and maybe 1 per year if all goes well.

Just like paying the minimums on a credit card.   You’ll be paying for decades, even if it’s a small amount.

Same here. I think after the ‘80s Challenger disaster NASA got so pathologically risk-adverse that aside from the Shuttle they decided ‘No humans, no way, no how.” Their concentration on robotics led to some astounding successes - but... that was about it.

Yeah, but the production rate’s crap and the cost per item’s astronomical. And the engines are recycled space shuttle engines, with solid rocket boosters that aren’t appreciably different from that time.

No usable cars due to electricity shortage?  You’ve got a population that’s basically stuck in one place at the mercy of ‘public transportation’.  Can’t easily move across town to get a better job, can’t easily travel, can’t easily get outside of a small area you can reach on foot.

Yeah.  It’s like they’re trying to fail.  It makes sense if you want an immobile population though.

Lo how the mighty Gawker network’s fallen.  They’re at a point where they can’t even afford to buy a clue...

I’ve got a Brother b&w printer/scanner - it’s been working fine for about five years now.  I’d buy a second - but got no need since this one’s working fine.  ;)

Gave up on inkjets about 15 years back - they’re simply not, IMO, cost effective if you’re not using them a lot. The Epson I’ve got is basically a brick at this point, cartridges totally dry.

I’m starting to think decaf coffee and the elimination of smoking from the workplace has caused a collective drop in functional IQ. (And I’m a rather rabid non-smoker.)

The USSR... man, how quickly it’s been forgotten just how bad it was.

Very true.  Perhaps “Thin-walled kettle” would have been more appropriate...  ;)

It was designed to protect against the kind of meltdowns that happened at Chernobyl.”

Pain is educational.  I blame playgrounds designed so nobody ever has a boo-boo.

And exceedingly accurate. It’s amazing what people will do for clicks - I’m just waiting for some TikTok challenge that involves serious self-harm and we’ll see how many people go for it.

And air temp and altitude.   If you can’t get enough lift, then you’ve got to wait for cooler temperatures, or lighten your load.

Find yourself an Asian food store, and pick up some Gochujang. Or get it at Walmart. It’s got the same sort of bite and heat as Siracha, at least to me...