
How about changing the title to ‘How to sound more knowledgeable’ instead of ‘less stupid’?

That’s the only constant in the IT world...

Apparently. Too many people were getting used to how to navigate around in it. How can they justify paying for a new OS if they don’t mix it up?

Look at it this way: This is Korg telling the story to kids. So you get the jokes, you get an uneven retelling - and you get gold paint spraying in a battle scene instead of something else...

Aliens.  Doesn’t count.  ;)

So? Nothing like groveling in person.

Probably because of it’s supposed capacity - but to be honest it’s not something I’d count on. The cost per launch is ridiculously high - and SpaceX is going to be the low-cost leader. The idea that ‘We must get everything needed for a landing to the Moon in one shot” is reasonable if your ONLY launch system is geared

The Batman was... surprisingly good. It’s a film noir, with a costumed detective with gadgets - not a superhero-detective flick.  It wasn’t what I was expecting, but it was very good and I’d like to see more film noir in the same vein.

People like movies of all types - but after the last few years what they want is fun. Jumanji takes a good concept and cranks the ridiculousness up to 11 with an excellent cast who doesn’t MIND playing in a rather ridiculous movie. (Seriously, the Rock kills it when it comes to action comedy.) TGM does it for action

Then there’s the construction speed of the two. SpaceX seems to be cranking out a new Starship every few weeks, while the SLS development speed couldn’t even be called fast by an arthritic snail...

Very capable? On paper - ten years ago.

I’ll take your last question seriously. Freight rail won’t cut it for HSR - you need to lay new track wherever you need to go. That’d cost between $4-10 mil per mile, at least, in 2020 $$$. It’d take probably 30-50 years for a minimal network that covers where people fly now, cost exponentially more than the forecast

Yeah... kind of strange, isn’t it?  It’s like the priorities are screwed.

Watched that as a kid myself - loved all the modeling work they did on it!

The waste has been technically solved for decades - look at France for a model on how to handle it. It’s been politically blocked in the US because anti-nuke activists need a friggin’ hobby other than activism...

You want a resolution?  Go full-on nuclear.  Anything else is just posturing about solving the problem while creating more. 

“... I don’t think they’re capable of recognizing any positive steps or solutions...”

They’ll never look at any tech that isn’t explicitly already approved as ‘safe’. Never mind what it takes to make the wind and solar capacity that’s needed, or that you’d need roughly 3x the generating capacity to fill the battery storage you’d need to keep the lights on at night or when the wind’s not blowing enough.

There’s tech they love. Windmills. Solar panels. THOSE are ‘acceptable’ technologies. But they hate anything that’d actually provide 24/7/365 power to the masses.

Smells very political to me. The administration doesn’t seem to have much use for Musk, regardless of what he’s doing - and this may be a way to prep their denying SpaceX the original contract. “We don’t think you can do it - so we’re going to take it away and give it to a company that flies celebrities in dildos.”