
(Shrug.) It’s Boeing. We’ll see if it gets off the ground. Whether there’s something to replace it or not doesn’t much matter - if it won’t fly then it won’t fly.  

Too much money spent, too many delays. Talk about a sunk cost fallacy - too expensive to cancel, and it’s unlikely to ever get off the ground... so they’ll just keep on developing something that’s too expensive to even use.

The alternative is to let SpaceX have their head and develop as they want.  Trouble with that

I’ll be surprised if the SLS isn’t cancelled by 2024. Too much money spent, too few flights, too many delays, way too expensive on a per-launch basis.

“Okay, we just got the latest update broadcast. They’ve changed from Starfleet Regulations to Starfleet ‘Instructions’. Among other changes, we’ve gone from SFR 35-10 on uniforms to SFI 36-2903. We’re supposed to immediately implement every single little change in it, from hair down to footware.”

Yeah, that was half the fun right there...

That looks great! I’ll have to try that.

That’s nasty, nasty stuff.   

Next week, they’ll establish border inspection stations for new generators...

But that’s not important. They’re saving the planet - and if that means people die without power, that’s the cost they’re willing to pay while they sit in their air conditioned offices. (Which are cooled by electricity generated by unicorn farts, I guess.)

Look at it another way - any problem they say they’re going to attempt to ‘solve’ is not for YOUR sake, it’s to sound good so they can stay in power.

Screwing things up once, or twice - that’s understandable.

Jalopnik is about the only reason I even check the Gawker/Gizmodo constellation any more.  The rest...  Well, there's people that like it -so the lights stay on, but you've got to wonder if they've installed the cheapest LEDs they could find sometimes...

That there are!

*Sigh.* Of course they would do that.

...of course.

This is one of the things that ticked me off about Destiny 2. Thing’s beautiful, no doubt. But yeah, it’s turned into pay-for-play.

Armageddon alarm rings. Blearily, I reach over and hit snooze.

Kinda had that feeling. Hay’s NOT that heavy. If it was the same volume of bricks or concrete blocks, that’d be something. But hay?

Yeah, there’s a margin of error there that’s immense.

Darn big pockets, then!

“We’ve been trying to reach you about your galaxy’s extended warranty...”