
It’s Gawker Media. Come for the headlines, stay for the clickbait.

Just a hint for travelling: When we were taking the Small&Crunchy to see the Grans for the first time on a plane, my lovely bride wanted to have him in a carseat.

Yeah - because THEIR interpretation’s the only important thing. Doesn’t matter whether it’s accurate or not, they’re outraged and you’d better be outraged also, because if you aren’t you’re just as bad as she is!

I agree. There isn’t ANYONE, celeb or commoner, who hasn’t - at one time or another - done something that’d piss off our ever more stringent arbiters of cultural purity.   

It makes it difficult to know how much of the other stuff is BS just meant overwhelm readers with a pile-on.”

Yup. Kia Soul ! 2014 - got TPMS, but no individual tire readings. So when it turns cool in the fall - I’ll usually get a ‘tire low’ warning. Which one? No telling.  One dropped a half-pound or so, and that’s all it takes.

“Don’t define me by my trauma!” They insist, as they define themselves by their trauma.  

Sell it to some tribe.  Turn it into ‘native owned land’ and there ya go - a nice, shiny floaty rustbucket of a casino.  

Hey, consultants have to earn money SOMEHOW...

It’s all about the airflow.  It ‘curls’ around, which is why you get that thumping.  Aerodynamics supposedly have ‘smoothed’ cars to a point where that won’t happen, but that just seems to be for airflow OVER the roof of the car.  On the side?  Turbulence, and lots of it.

Gawker Media - “If we can’t make you click on our shit, we’re doing it wrong!”

Makes me wonder just what those 10 lbs were actually made of...

billionaire carnival barker”

Great. Not bad enough they’re cranking out updates every few months - now you’ve got to conform to new specs.

I had a Le Car. The rubber boots on the front axles were crap, but it was a surprisingly fun car to drive, and a lot roomier than you’d have thought.

Eh, some Bondo and some paint, it’ll be fine.

And that’s fine. There’s no game than EVERYONE likes. I’ve got about 1200 hours in this - and rarely lack for things to do. Lately I’ve been making paths between mountain peaks, or building bases at the tops of needle spires in between pirate hunting.  This game scratches an itch I didn’t even know I had, lol.

This is a game you’ve got to be patient while playing. Especially if you do any sort of resource farming - you aren’t going to get a million units of Activated Indium without building a large base, and it takes TIME to harvest that much.

And harvest and sell storm crystals.  

I understand. There’s no one game that grabs everyone. That’s why I’m glad there’s such a variety out there.