
It’s Gawker Media. Come for the headlines, stay for the clickbait.

In the early ‘00s, the big push was to transition to ‘clean’ natural gas. The greens loved it - because it was (at the time) fairly expensive.

Late to this - but yeah. The problem is the green groups have fixated on ‘perfect’. Wind is perfect. Solar is perfect. Only ‘perfect’ is acceptable.

Military GPS isn’t this exact - it’s about double the accuracy of civilian GPS on a good day. What they used was a shitload of measurements taken over time, and they average out the movement.

Clickbait keeps the lights on. Anger and emotion fuels clickbait - not reason or thought.

Gizmodo/Gawker lives or dies by clicks. There’s less and less ‘news’ about SF/new tech, and more and more clickbait - because that’s apparently where the revenue is now.

Just a hint for travelling: When we were taking the Small&Crunchy to see the Grans for the first time on a plane, my lovely bride wanted to have him in a carseat.

Certainly not the worst theory I’ve heard today.

America’s Got Talent” is Vaudeville with a prize at the end of the season, with audience participation. And as a sh0wcase for talent, it’s great - with everything from OMG-WTF acts to really stellar performances from people you’d NEVER expect.

Yeah - because THEIR interpretation’s the only important thing. Doesn’t matter whether it’s accurate or not, they’re outraged and you’d better be outraged also, because if you aren’t you’re just as bad as she is!

I agree. There isn’t ANYONE, celeb or commoner, who hasn’t - at one time or another - done something that’d piss off our ever more stringent arbiters of cultural purity.   

It makes it difficult to know how much of the other stuff is BS just meant overwhelm readers with a pile-on.”

Ancedote: Got a couple of older friends, in their 70s. We get together once a week, everyone in the group (of 6) either vaxxed or confirmed having had the shit and recovered from it. (Pfizer, if it matters.)

Yep!  Think I prefer the internet these days, but if it hadn't been for those early times we wouldn't have what we've got now...

Same here.  We've come a long way, haven't we?  Had an Osborne 1, with a 300 baud modem.

We’ve had it for about two years now - I know some folks rag on AT&T - but they beat the hell out of Comcast as far as speed and reliability goes.

Yup. Kia Soul ! 2014 - got TPMS, but no individual tire readings. So when it turns cool in the fall - I’ll usually get a ‘tire low’ warning. Which one? No telling.  One dropped a half-pound or so, and that’s all it takes.

Bezos needs to focus on the laughably bad ULA. Its a cake walk, all BO has to do is not be completely incompetent.”

That’s the story. We’ll see what happens. Youtube’s got a 3-part tour of Starbase Boca Chica with Elon Musk - you get to see pretty much the whole production line and the launch facility. I’m impressed by it - Musk is driven.

Think they already are - they were depending on Bezos for the BE-4 engines for the new Vulcan - and they’re way late.