
Yeah, I saw it when it first came out, but it doesn’t run on Xbox so...  :(

Take me away from reality and set me on a journey. That’s all I ask.”

Older Direct-TV DVR - no subtitles on any show, which is a pain.

Some have it, some don’t. Me - I needed either a Babelfish or a fully functioning Tardis for the translation ability...

Capaldi’s Scottish accent was too much for my poor American brain to parse out without multiple ‘Huh? What was that?’ rewinds... which really spoils the flow of the show.

16 years since he left the role.

Well, this is Gawker Media - being unnecessarily rude’s practically required.

You did not agree 100% with the orthodoxy. Therefore, you’re a heretic.

“... and it turned out to be not much at all.”

My first system was an Osborne 1 - CP/M based (DOS precursor), 64K of ram, 2 90k floppy drives (updated to 18os via a firmware chip I got about a year after I bought the thing.) Learning CP/M (and by extension, DOS) got me a foothold in computer maintenance/support, and I’ve been able to make a pretty good living in

If you’ve got Invisilign braces, and are tired of brushing your braces when they get gross (and they get gross FAST) - buy a cheap ultrasonic cleaner and some 3% H2O2. It breaks up the dried saliva and mucus easily. Stuff’s not expensive, and can be found in the first aid section of most grocery stores.

Pretty much.

However, I seem to be able to swipe left and right - forwards and backwards.

Shows what’s inside, doesn’t it?

Swimming through a cesspool to make a living might make one question the choices that got them to that position.

Way I look at it, fast food folk are doing me a favor. I don’t have to cook, which is something I dislike. Why would I go out of my way to be nasty to the people who are (a) relieving me of a chore I don’t want to do, (b) are fixing the food that I WANT, and (c) are handing it to me for an exchange of money?


Bags of dicks are always looking for a way to show how large they are.

“...because you’re doing open-heart surgery on infrastructure that people are already using...”

First you need a proposal to determine a need for a study to ascertain a need for a widespread survey of whatever you’re looking at doing. Then you need another proposal to study the need for an environmental survey. Then you need a proposal to initiate the study. When the study is complete, you need a proposal to

Wouldn’t be the first time - that’s what essentially killed off the Apollo program. “We have problems here! We’ve got to fix them!”