
“We decided it’d be cheaper to go back to Ghost Hunting Wrestlers prowling around California junkyards.”

Bottom of the list on the CDC page, which means it’s rarely associated with it.  But hey, they say it’s not a complete list of symptoms... so what the hell.  

Couple of questions here... Usually diarrhea on cruise ships is caused by norovirus infections. (They’re well known for that.)

I’m not sure what was going on there, then. Their inspections over the years showed what? Were there few or no indications of problems or upcoming issues? They saw NOTHING that could possibly serve as a warning of impending disaster?  

Was it maintained by people coming in from outside, or local contractors?

Puerto Rico, bro. Corruption’s endemic, even in areas that you’d think would be relatively untouched like electrical distribution.

I’m convinced time accelerates as you get older and before you know it a decade has passed by and your left wondering where the hell the time went.”

Yep. Eventually. Well over budget, well under capacity, well beyond the target dates.

Had some friends in the late ‘80s that loved the then-new halogen headlights. But when they went back to Massachusetts to visit family they had to put regular incandescent sealed-beam headlights in, or they’d get ticketed. 

Same. I got to a point where I couldn’t complete a quest because my build simply wasn’t overpowered enough to survive the final scenario solo. With two people it would have been easy - but I couldn’t manage by myself. After going through it roughly twenty times I just resigned myself to not finishing it, and moved on

Depends on the deal - ATT’s got a promo where you trade in your old phone for a discount, and if it’s an S8 or higher the S20 FE’s essentially free.

(Of course, ‘free’ may be open to interpretation - but I’ll take 30 months of credits...)

Regal announced - they’re shutting down. No ‘may be’ about it.

In her case... sigh.  Throat cancer, possibly caused and aggravated by years of bulimia. She was much less kind to herself than she should have been. :(

Had a friend who used to love eating lemons. She needed a LOT of dental work in her 30s. I warned her about it, but... (Shrug.)

Because the universe doesn’t CARE, one way or another. It’s agencies who look at things like this and go “How can we get more funding? I know! New threat, down in the 1 part per trillion range! People are STUPID - they see ‘1 in a trillion’ and think it’s a LOT! They’ll throw LOTS of money at mitigation, and we’ll get

It’s all about the locality.  CA’s locked down.  Other states will vary, depending on their response.

At about a thousand hours now - every so often I just change focus on what I’m doing, whether it’s base-building, clearing out ghost freighters, exploring planets, crafting, whatever.

Can’t collide with something when it’s been shredded.  Might get a bit... messy... if you’re not careful.  

It was... very colorful. The physics and engineering, however... ah, what the hell. It’s an alternative universe and the rules just don’t apply. As SF/Fantasy, it’s enjoyable on a number of levels, and the cinematography is amazing.

Freeloading bear, camping out on someone’s porch? Sounds like a Bernie supporter. And since when do bears even know how to read so it’d be outraged over having a Trump sticker?