
Thanks for articles like this - laying out what’s going on ‘behind the scenes’ so to speak, in everyday and upcoming tech.

There’s a lot to be said for having the executives at the same location as the engineers. Being reminded day in and day out that they actually produce something tangible, that MUST go out the door right or people will literally die is a good thing.

I’m thinking you’re going to be sleeping for a while. It’s a shame, really. Boeing used to be really capable, but their leadership seems to have gotten completely disconnected from the engineering branch. The 737Max problems, the KC-46 issues... the Starliner problems all (at least to me) indicate that engineering

I’ve always thought ‘The Thinker’ was an expression of Rodin’s struggles with constipation, myself. (Shrug.)

Also, pneumonia cases seem to be below normal seasonal levels.

A literal example of ‘The Dose Makes The Poison’.

Had this happen with some sinus surgery about ten years back. Couldn’t smell or taste anything for about 4 months.

Don’t use this shit. You don’t know WHERE it’s been or what it’s mixed with.

Apparently one of the mortality factors was massive overuse of a new wonder drug - aspirin. Operating on the ‘If X is good, then 10X must better!’ theory, they were dosing folks with 8-31 grams of the stuff daily. Checking the MSDS for aspirin indicate that a 10 gram dose could be fatal in some circumstances...

11,143 by this tracker.

But that grid still needs power. If the GND fetishists were ALL in for nuclear power, I could -maybe- see possibly supporting them. But... they’re not. And they ignore China and India’s massively increasing CO2 output, and ignore the reductions here in the US.

Bingo. I’ve lived in little tiny apartments. (Well, they were fairly large...) And I do not want to play that game anymore. All it takes is one asshole with a subwoofer, and there goes the neighborhood.

We HAD a bus line running out our way. And a transfer station only about two miles away from where I work. But the bus line’s closest station was 2.5 miles away.

I’m 63. Wife and son both had lots of respiratory illnesses the last three, four months. I haven’t had a sniffle. (Oddly, my sinuses are clearer than they’ve been in years. Hmm. Likely no connection.) She works at a hospital, he’s going through a doctoral program, so they contact a lot of folks during the day.

On the good side, the SOBs aren’t gonna stay in office forever.

What do you think Amtrak is - a for-profit business? Outside of the Acela corridor it loses money hand over fist. It’s massively subsidized.

I prefer to think of parts turning blue and falling off. 

Odd thought...

They’re currently making Sorentos, Optimas and Tellurides.  I think Souls come direct from SK.