
Nope.  I’m willing to take the chance my soul will be eternally corrupted by material the Party doesn’t want me to see.

Got a friend who’s the same way. She’s got large feet, and can buy much better footware on Amazon than locally. (She used to get her shoes at a place catering to crossdressers, but now she’s complaining it’s hard to find anything nice there...)

It’s a ‘Look at us, we’re so woke’ article.  And they wrote themselves an indulgence so they can continue pushing Amazon to get the commissions while hating on Amazon itself...

I can’t.  I don’t have one... which means I’d have to subscribe, and I’m not going to do that...

No, they wrote themselves an indulgence so they can continue sinning as long as they condemn the evil of Amazon.

They can do that, because they’re ‘the good people’ and they really need the money they get from Amazon Commissions to keep the site up... so they can tell us just how shitty we are for buying from Amazon.

Makes you wish you could buy dispensations or indulgences for the Sin of Buying At Amazon, doesn’t it?

But you’re not supposed to use Walmart or Costco either (though Costco’s marginally better issues-wise) because reasons...

That’s the problem I have. The things I need/want aren’t available without driving quite a ways - and even then a lot of times the articles are more expensive... if they’re even in the store in the first place.

I long ago figured the most political from Gawker got kept - while those who weren’t so ideological found niches elsewhere.  (Tyler Rogoway’s an example of that.)

Nope, it’s a blatant political push to cut Amazon because they’re ‘haters’ because they haven’t signed onto the usual virtue signalling. When politics is the be-all and end-all of your existence, it’s tiresome to those who don’t make it the central issue.

Do you identify as a turtle, or a wok?

Now playing

To be honest, nekkid turtles never did much for me... neither did woks.

Moral Panics. Aren’t they fun?

Amen.  But here on Giz - cynicism is the rule of the day.  Anything to keep those clicks coming in.

And the kids and coach are out.

“Many merchants insist on using software versions that are years out of date and do not install the security updates that we release.”


Well. So much for dinosaur cunnilingus... :(

The way Brad Bird does it? I’m thinking... yes. Yes, I would.