
And we won’t talk about the contaminants from solar cell manufacturing. THAT shit’s just plain nasty.

Then again, it was designed to survive a Richter 8 earthquake and managed to ride out a 9 with minimal damage. It was the tsunami that killed it, drowning the emergency generators. But even then, they DID get power to the reactors and kept the cooling going with emergency generators that were brought in.

Chernobyl was an excellent example of “This is why you don’t DO that shit!”

As opposed to the heavy metal contaminants in fly ash from coal-fired plants. That shit’ll be toxic forever.

Chernobyl was also caused by a natural disaster... Russian engineers disconnecting the damned safety systems in order to run a badly thought out test.

Actually, it was a storage facility in NM that had that problem.

Especially when Russian engineers are involved!

Now playing

And why are those fuel rods still there? It’s not (totally) the fault of the company. The NIMBY anti-nuke folks have made it nearly impossible to transport waste like that.

“And the tendency of the private utility companies that run the plants to store the partially-spent fuel rods by the hundreds in tanks that were designed to hold dozens of rods instead.”

Hate to be ‘that guy’, but this is interesting.

As I recall, there were little flying Volkswagen beetles in the first movie.

That’s.... faith in your research. Ow...

“Don’t wait up - I’ve got a date!”

That’s why I never finished the game itself. Got to the point where I was about to ‘go upstairs’, so to speak, then just... stopped.

Well, they COULD go after the tentacle hentai market...

F-35's not really for ground support - not the way the A-10 is optimized.

Hey, with Gawker closed down their click-bait writers have to do something!

Heck, I’m trying to win the lottery! Really liked Dredd - THAT was the way it was portrayed in the comics.

There was some handwavium about space warps or portals as I recall, to explain how it go so far so fast...