
David Ramsey’s “Total Money Makeover” helped get my ass out of about $20k worth of debt. I’m not all the way out - but I can definitely see the end of it.

Playing bullshit semantics games about whether it’s ‘conflagration’ or ‘combustion’ - and deciding NOT to further investigate the problem before the proper definitions decided upon - doesn’t keep the house from burning down in the process.

Sometimes the best thing to do is go “You know, I thought I remembered that, but since I can’t find it I was... wrong.”

Hey, the Delta Smelt needs lovin’ too!

A case of the process being more important than the results, it sounds like.

Got you to click, though. That’s all Gawker wants or needs.

Next from the Doom&Gloom Gawkers:

Hey, no reason it can’t be both!

DD-WRT is... fun. For certain values of fun that tend to include a slight element of masochism. ;)


You’re making the assumption that the union guys actually cared about the rank and file. He didn’t think so afterward- although he was more or less pro-union up to that point.

Unintended consequences - derived from economic illiterates working their way up through the union food chain.

At this point, I don’t know and can’t really check. He passed away in ‘93. MIL’s 91 at this point, and her memory’s not so hot.

My father in law had that happen in a union-run steel mill in the ‘80s. It was the big employer of the area, and the benefits were pretty sweet... until the price of steel dropped. When it did, management requested a pay cut to keep the mill open.

That’s the theory. Apparently they’ve had difficulties getting the numbers of people signing up they were expecting, and I’ve got to wonder if this ‘slowdown’ is designed to get people to go for it.

When it comes to handling lines, I think the guy’s right - Disney does get people through them pretty fast.

I think the difference is that they were organically funny, if that makes any sense. They knew their timing, they knew their characters, they’d developed them through years at SNL and other venues. They were funny in a way current comic actors aren’t, I think.

This. So much this.

Oh, no - sorry, you can’t have that opinion. There are only certain responses that are acceptable any more.

Well, that’s how the Navy does it - and the Air Force just keeps buying all these tube-ish things with wings and engines. Why should the Federation be any different?