
If you can’t preen and posture while doing it, why do it?

Ought to clap for her proofreader - they need to go intern over at Jalopnik.

“was able to identify plants with a fea3 mutation that essentially removes the breaks that”


Stargate series...

Not producing content for NBC.

And yet it still landed, and didn’t go ‘boom’. That’s some pretty decent engineering, I’d say.

Good question - I couldn’t say. There’s many levels of enrichment, apparently - at least according to this bit at Wikipedia. Slightly, low and high enrichment all seem to be a thing, so to speak. So technically the uranium around it could be about 20% of U-235 up to 97%. Without further specs, I’d guess it’s on the

Sad, but unfortunately true...

Yep, think so. Ah, well - after 4 years, the damn thing’s probably permanent, and they’d need a jackhammer and crane to get it out.

They use depleted uranium as radiation shielding - because (a) it’s dense as fuck (1.7 times that of lead) and (b) you’ve got it lying around after removing the more reactive isotope (U-235) of uranium from it.

And popping up a 4 year old post - they must be hurting for material.

Well, FINE then! Be that way! ;)

Well, he was sure vocal in his criticisms about it at the time.... um, not.

Impressive speed! Only 4 years? Where are the editors - Alpha Centauri?

4 years later, that sucker’s gonna be rusted solid.

“I know this is not what is said,”

Oh, I appreciate the hell of them. Seeing them evolve, they’re fantastic.

Driverless cars are already reality - it just remains to implement them on a large enough scale. Hard to make a real ‘Wow!’ display about almost-common stuff.

My folks took me to Disneyland when I was about 10, seeing we lived in the middle of the country at the time and were out in LA visiting my brother.