
Yeah, a 4-foot panel is the usual. That’s probably what they were figuring on.

Pearl clutching is a Gawker tradition. How dare you suggest it’s not necessary!

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Sometimes local schools have electronic scrap drives. That’s probably the best place to get rid of it - either that or look for electronics recyclers in your area.

Fully agree - it’s the kind of assholes who are looking to find something to be offended about.

It’s actually been around since the 1860s.

Assuming they can get their ancient Migs off the ground in the first place...

That’s a great simile on the flat-head screwdrivers. And no, throwing away the tool that’s optimal for them won’t make the need disappear.

And aren’t as survivable. The C-130's a hefty bird, and the AC variant’s a real killer, but it’s not anywhere near as armored or survivable as the A-10.

Has he told you the old joke about how helicopters are simply a bunch of loose parts flying in formation?

“Creating a model, a hypothesis, using available data and trends, and letting others verify or disprove his result.”

Religion. You haz it.

Oh, and there’s this. Where the report was obscured because it didn’t match what those sponsoring it wanted to see.

I repeated a common programming aphorism. Apparently it’s something you proceeded to read a lot into. That’s very... interesting.

Cleanup on Aisle 5!

Have you been touched by his noodly appendage?!

Your comprehension is astounding. Literally, it’s amazing how you read SO VERY MUCH that wasn’t there into what I originally wrote.

It costs money to keep the site open and power on in the office, And interns do have to be fed occasionally or they get all unhappy and start longing for an apocalypse.