
Legendary Stingwings and bloatflies in the summer?

Would it be appropriate to point out this is a highly unnatural and stressful environment for the desert woodrat? And that the Mojave temperatures, far from staying a constant 70, 77, or 84 degrees, can vary in one day from below freezing to over 80? (Did some work in that area in the ‘80s, it was odd to have water

They won’t be. If we ever get into a war situation like that of WW2 again, such stupidity will get quickly burned out of our collective psyche.

Which could lead to the counter-counter argument that using them was actually merciful.

On Gawker? Totally negligible.

How small? This book gives some clues... very interesting read.

And we won’t even talk about the cost to the US and Japan if we’d done an actual invasion. The deaths at Hiroshima and Nagasaki wouldn’t even make it to the level of rounding errors.

There’s ways.

Evil. Evil, evil, evil.

Yep. That’s why you hung around the machine. You’d place your quarter and wait...

Perfectly valid, as far as I’m concerned. ;)

Just added it to my cart. Payday’s tomorrow... (big grin)

Man, when I consider how much I threw into the things...

Considering some of the effects supposedly ‘healthy’ things have had on me...

That’s calendar dependent. It should drop off around mid to late Feb...

“...the committee tried to figure out just what exactly they were going to put in them.”

“And it was embarrassing when the archeologists finally found a frozen and revivable member of the Gerntenten race, and woke it up. The Gerntenten had left billions of indecipherable documents across thousands of planets, and after three years teaching the last of the Gerntenten the current language, they finally

Well, I suppose it depends on the planet. Tattooine’s not exactly known as a hub of modern Imperial architecture, after all.

And then you go, “Yeah... where are these?”

“Bitch, please! Haven’t you figured out these guys are trouble YET? Why do you keep sneaking out?”