
Uh, no dude. All men who consent to sex automatically consent to the risk of children, unless they've been grievously misinformed by their health teachers in school. Even if you wear a condom, there's still that 1-3% chance that it will break or whatever. If you know that, and you have sex anyway, you are willingly

Women get to terminate pregnancies. But only their own pregnancies. Men get to terminate pregnancies, but only their own pregnancies. No one gets to force another adult who is capable of self-determination into a medical procedure they don't want. The end.

"Fuck workers!!!"

Listen, she's not wrong though. I love Kid logic.

Well, she's right as far as her worldview goes. That's adorable. Reminds me of when my 5 year old nephew said he wanted to marry his sister when he grew up because he loved her so much.

Vomiting because I stupidly choose to read the vile hate on the Million Moms link. They go on and on about how it might cause premature discussions of sexual orientations for young children. I explained that shit to my kid when she was about 4. "Some kids have a mom and a dad. Some kids have 2 moms like your

Lindy, as a gerontologist, I can guarantee you that, barring dementia, older people are capable of learning new things. You have nothing to be afraid of in terms of growing older in that regard.

Wow - all your coverage of Lena Dunham, Girls, and the Vogue debacle is making you guys look entitled, classless and immature. Just because you have a platform, or power, doesn't mean that weren't wrong. Check your PRIVILEGE, Jezebel, and stop beating a dead horse. You're clearly too out of touch to process your

Did you get your $10,000 bounty up front, or is Jezebel sending the check in the mail?

This is a really long winded way to try to defend the fact that you guys literally wanted to BUY pictures of her looking shitty and fat for $10,000. The fact that you paid that out and got pictures that aren't even that bad is embarrassing. This is all very embarrassing. Stop being embarrassing. This is bad.

Yeah, it's not being "mean" that makes you NOT a great feminist platform — it's the unabashedly shitty things you do to women, like, for instance, offering a bounty on Lena Dunham's un-retouched photos, which looked shockingly like the retouched photos, because Lena Dunham is a beautiful woman. While airbrushing is an

I'm just going to kick back with my coffee and watch this shitshow unfold.

About 50% more people read coverage of Dunham alone on this site in one week than watched her show.

Jesusfuckingchrist, I'm getting tired of this. So are we going with "All Dunham All the Time" now? Nobody's ever going to be convinced that whoever is trying to be right is actually right and, to tell the truth, were I Tracie, I'd admit when I'd been bested and just go away for a while. This is tiresome, people!!!

No, Tracie, that's not why people called you and your colleagues 'mean girls'. They called you one bc you willingly paid TEN FUCKING THOUSAND DOLLARS to get unretouched photos for the sole purpose of trying to point out Lena's flaws under the guise of "critical discussion". And when Lena's "flaws" weren't as gossip

Dig your heels in.