
Truth: That poor thing always sees his shadow because ... camera lights. I keep waiting for the year it turns on the mayor and starts eating his or her face.

PLUS, there was a terrific set of corgis (probably these guys) on Too Cute before that. Good grief, those are adorable dogs.

I'm not giving up my puppy bowl. MAY IT RULE FOREVAHHHHHHH!!!!!

Best exorcism story ever.

Okay, but at least bitch resting face has an attitude. Try having sad, tired resting face. If one more person tells me to smile or asks me "why so sad?" when I'm simply not giving an expression, I'm going to scream. My face isn't even droopy because of age! I can't use this excuse:

Miley has a point. That's annoying to write.

I doubt it. He sounds like a sociopath. He doesn't sound like he's capable of feeling remorse.

Yes. Fuck that guy, really. What a complete waste he is for doing that to another human being. She'll have a lifetime of difficulties trying to please this asshole. :/ It would be nice if she could realize he's a abusive piece of crap and walk away from him.

I would not be surprised to discover that the night out thing is a preparation for some other deal that they are about to roll out for unmarried people in love, what with the whole Valentine stuff on the horizon. I could be wrong, but this promotion, I bet, will be the start of working on a few demographics that they

Because I think the DNA and original confessions of Guede are very compelling. I don't give a damn about her nationality or her skin color or anything else. The fascination with the case is how different the Italian court system is (not better or worse than America's, just different). They did convict some scientists

I think her body language says "I am petrified."

No! But, now I will. I love reading the funny Amazon reviews. It gives me hope for humanity.

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I think they do have emergency shut-off buttons at the bottom. Perhaps this one was an older one that didn't have that?

Yeah. Because he's probably the only killer. The other two are likely to be innocent, at least based on the evidence I've seen, even the stuff that was bungled.

I think it was about the sentence, not everything else.

oh honey. no. You're doing it wrong.

You came here, not to discuss things, but to insult. And you're not even that good at it. You are amateur hour, frankly, what "retarded" and claims of, well, nothing. So, you're a troll.

Where? Because I never claimed that! Oh! Ah finally! Someone who tries to make a point by making things up! And fails. Sad. Tears.