

I got blocked by Rosanne on Twitter for calling her Rita lol.


SJWs trying their very best to destroy any industry they touch. This is just another example.

You sure it's not because one is the bigger star than the other?

Well thanks for your insight, and thanks for ackowledging where the gaming market stands. Its not with SJWs. I'm gay and am not misogynistic. I actually had no issue with feminism before these idiots started forcing it on everything including gaming. I also had no issue with sexy women. See, if I'm allowed to be

I view you as a troll. At the end of the day, we shall see what sells and what doesn't sell as far as females in gaming goes in the next year or so. Half the people who whine about sexism in games aren't even gamers. Are you a gamer?

When someone is telling someone they shouldn't put something in their work, they're dictating what is acceptable to write or depict, that looks like censorship to me.

One of the main writers at Breitbart is gay. I'm gay. You don't know what you're talking about. Save your breath.

Well I think it is. Shes dictating what an artist can and cannot put in their work. Oh yeah, I don't actually care about your opinion.

Thanks for the advice. You make me laugh.

LOL mmm k. Look up how she breaks down the money online. At least 50% goes on wages.

I beg to differ. Did you watch the end of this video where Anita said devs need to stop emphasizing women's butts in games whatsoever? I'd call that trying to force censorship.

He said it himself in one of his interviews. You seem like you have a victimhood complex, throwing around the sexism card constantly.

Someone tried to shoot him lol. What the hell are you talking about?

She never heard of any game franchise until she started doing her first set of research. She's a fraud.

She's done nothing to prove she's a gamer, so there's literally no standard for her to go by. She doesn't have to prove anything, but then most of us don't have to believe her, and we don't. The people who do believe her I view as extremely gullible.

LOL no. Gamers reacted the same way when Jack Thompson tried to pull his b.s. Its got nothing to do with gender.

She's managed to fool a lot of people with her b.s. She's playing mental gymnastics with people's minds and making a buttload of money doing it. Biggest scam artist I've ever seen in my life.

No they're not. Read my comment above.