
The woman in question is not a gamer. The issue isn't feminism alone, but an outsider coming in dictating how games should be. That's the part people aren't understanding. Gamers reacted the same way to Jack Thompson. People need to stop with this bull about misogyny.

Agreed. I may get a PC for the same purpose, especially if games start being censored because of p.c. morons.

Seeing as everything you said there was false, either you're spouting b.s. on purpose or you honestly believe everything you just said. I'm good with my beliefs, no matter how much you disagree with me.

The liberal media lies. There are women who play AAA games, but its nowhere near 50%. The women who play AAA play GTA and COD, and have no problems with the way women are depicted in games. Anita isn't a gamer. End of.

She's been challenged on her gaming credentials yet has done NOTHING to prove she's a gamer. She's hired someone to game for her. Stop acting like you were born yesterday.

Yes, for money. She gets paid to spout her bull. I don't get paid to discuss my views. Oh, plus she shuts out all dissenting opinion. Nice try though.

She's not a gamer. Not a lie. Admitted it on tape, have never actually seen her game ONCE. You're gullible.

The 50% number is bollocks. That number includes Facebook and cell phone games. Men still dominate AAA. Didn't say devs had to do one thing, just that what the feminists are trying to force may not end up selling.

We shall see in months to come.

I just think it's funny that she wants all female characters to meet these strict standards. She's not a gamer herself, but hey.

Yeah that's true. Essentially I think having an assortment would be best. Making male characters sexier in certain games too.

Stating my beliefs. Not an ideology, but how I believe the gaming market works.

Did you watch the end of her last video where she specifically said that games need to cover butts of both genders?

Well actually, I'm gay, so I am part of a "marginalized" group. That being said, I'm not easily offended. I loved Ash from Streets of Rage 3 for example, and he's a very stereotypical gay character. It doesn't offend me that much that most straight gamers probably wouldn't wanna play as a gay character. It is what

I didn't say that. I think it helps though. I think it's hard to sell games with female leads in general, unless it's Tomb Raider and a few other franchises. Not being sexist, being honest.

I'm looking forward to seeing how these changes will affect the sales of female led video games.

LOL mmm k….

All I'm stating is how the market works. I play games with female leads. The first Tomb Raider reboot game sold well, but for some reason it's not an across the board thing.

If you say so.

Unless it's Tomb Raider or Final Fantasy it's pretty hard. Not sure if it's sexism or not. Women who play AAA games play the same games as men do.