
These girls are of age apparently. Don't know what to tell ya really. He should be in jail if he's doing something bad, at the end of the day.

I just have questions. Anyway, I still like his music. I bet a lot of people in hip hop and the music industry do sh!* like this a lot. Doesn't mean I'm gonna hate R Kelly's music.

Because I still like his music? I can't control what he fucking does can I? I'm not even saying what he is doing is OK, but I won't stop listening to his music.

People are assuming that's what's going through people's heads. I have questions about Buzzfeed's report, like are the girls being held against their will or are they staying for the money? Not everything is at it seems I say.

I'm still a fan of music, I don't care. I guess that makes me a terrible person lol. Whitney Houston was a crack fiend. It is what it is.

I'm still a fan of his music regardless. Also, anything Buzzfeed writes needs to be taken with a grain of salt.

Milo isn't a Nazi, douchbag.

Stop, your hypocrisy is starting to show.

You're disgusting.

Agreed, but that punch Anita game should have been allowed too then.

Then I'm gonna start defending punching feminazis if that's the way you feel. They're Nazis after all.

I already told you, I care that people made such a big deal out of the Anita game. I wouldn't care if that hadn't happened.

The media made a bit thing out of "Gamergate making a punch Anita Sarkeesian game," yet they're doing the same thing here with people they don't like. Its massive hypocrisy. I don't care if this game exists, but I do know the left think they're ALWAYS right.

Milo HAS NOT called for the genocide of anyone. What the hell are you talking about? That Spencer dude might be a racist, but Milo isn't. I don't care. The left are hypocrites. I think Anita is a bad person, a con artist etc who will talk poor fools money and run.

She's always writing about white privilege etc. That's neither here nor there anyway. You've proven your own hypocrisy by saying a punch me game should be made about one but not the other. I'm OK with both games being made, as long as it doesn't lead to real life violence.

Bull$hit. Your comment shows extreme bias, but that's the left all over isn't it? Milo is not a Nazi. I don't know enough about the other guy to make a complete assessment.

There's no difference. I should be able to play a punch Anita game if you get to play this. Or do you live under double standards?

You can, but don't f@*king cry about me wanting to play the punch Anita game then.

I wanna play that punch Anita Sarkeesian game. Never had the chance.