Jared Lee

This is my favorite comment on the whole pro scene fiasco lately. It’s not street fighter, sure. But some of these pros are really sounding entitled lately.

A giant fuck no to both Mark Zuckerberg and The Rock. You want to get into public service, boys? Run for mayor, dog catcher, what the fuck ever, not the leader of the free world, ok? Who the fuck wants Mark Zuckerberg anyway?

Men sure are emotional and irrational lately. I think we need to stop letting them make statements, run things, and read the news until we can get a handle on what’s happening.

I want to point out that Alamo, which was born here in Austin, has 6 locations in town with numerous screens. And it looks like they were offering this at one location on one day on two screens . Seriously dudes, WHAT THE EVERLOVING FUCK? Pick another showing.

Look, without making myself completely doxxable, I will say that this falls under my wheelhouse of expertise and as far as I can tell, the truth of the matter is that this was a truly impossible situation for Comey. “Sources and methods” may be a vague concept for most people, but the reality is that years of work and

PWR BTTM, which formed in 2013 while members Hopkins and Liv Bruce were students at Bard College, is a queer rock band with both members preferring gender neutral pronouns.

He’s not fooling anyone, he’s a Republican, so to have a chance against him, we’ll have to give the democratic nomination to Vin Diesel. Shit, we really are a Banana Republic now.

Pretty sure random employees being able to access tracking tools whenever they want to spy on drivers and customers is legitimate news, regardless of how you feel about Uber.

Um...they’re not the only ones covering Uber’s self-inflicted wounds.

I married a Brit, so am almost completely desensitized to cunt now.

The sooner people realize McCarthy is in the top 5 of the funniest people who ever lived ever the better off we’ll all be.

We should just agree to disagree that the non-white races are inferior and must be purged. Is that asking too much in the name of civilized discourse?

And yet Trump will be our next president. It’s almost like the US presidential elections aren’t as simple as the time you won the hall monitor position in fifth grade.

For added realism, it’s going to stop working after new year’s.

Start with the Nakamura/Zayn match and the pair of Revival matches. In terms of scale and “big match” feel, the Styles/Cena match got an incredible response

“These two members of the Trump Administration were hit with the Stone Cold Stunner” will be a Jeopardy question in twenty years.

This explains why all of those cars in the Mission were constantly exploding when they kept driving over steam vents and why I’ve been clipping through the sidewalk for the past hour.

As a 30-something gamer, I will never understand the appeal of e-Sports, Let’s plays and Twitch. I guess this generation would rather Wall-e the fuck out of gaming (as in, just being useless spectators) than actually playing any themselves. How sad and somewhat pathetic. Is this what gaming has come to? Watching other

I mean, doesn’t hurt that the guy’s a babe too. Shirtless babe.

We call that Freedom Foam.