Jared Lee

I mean, I saw Skynyrd before the crash and Led Zeppelin, too (i’m old as hell), but at least for today i’m gladdest to have this stub, from when I saw Flair vs. Rhodes for the big gold strap. Damn!

They probably could have easily sold tons of copies at the merch table. It’s like an abstract Rorschach heart design.

I know, if I didn't know the story I would have thought that he bought the shirt with that design on it.

He’s really good at bleeding on shirts. I’ve never done it as stylishly as he did.

Sigh...this is why we can’t have “nice” things. Agree or disagree, fine. But really, this kind of thing just adds more fuel to the Rush Limblah army—”Feminazis!” he’ll cry, while sitting on his mountain of money. And the real issues will be swept under the rug as usual.

Telling a guy who’s worth 65 million bucks his career decisions are “silly.” LOL internet.

This is like a poem.

In college, I had several friends who were raped, some violently, and I subsequently enrolled in Women’s Studies as a second major, specifically sexual violence against women. During my time in college, I met countless women who had been raped, and who had been failed by the police and by the University...I also came

Look, I knew that headline would be controversial when I wrote it.

Um I think you meant first hottest member and also best singer and smolderer.

Several mentions of the fake nature of wrestling. Often the serious injuries aren't faked even in WWE. The story lines are over the top and the moves choreographed, but as any stuntman can attest choreographed moves don't mean safe ones especially with multiple people attempting them at once. I don't discount that

Due to some extra cash and some fortuitous airline fuckery, I'm able to go to this years 'mania, which will be my first ever in-person wrestling show (save a house show I saw in New Mexico when I was ten). I'm sure I'm going to enjoy the show, because I love wrestling, but jesus, maybe I shoulda gone last year.

Yeah, that quote gets bandied about a lot to justify stupid decisions, but WWE's ratings have not been great over the past few years. This isn't going to change that. This is the type of thing that gets fans to stop watching, as I have. I haven't watched Raw in months and was only watching the PPVs. Now, I have

For over a year people have been wanting to see their favorite guy succeed, and instead guys who are way less deserving are succeeding. That's the tl;dr version.

Righhhht. And if you rape someone, you're a rapist. Despite what you think you are or what you think you feel about women.

This whole article is so wrong and off-base about so many things I don't even know where to begin. But this might be the stupidest part: "Why, on the LA episode, is there a lengthy interlude about the desert outside the city because Queens of the Stone Age once recorded there, but can't even make a gesture towards

Ugh. This is why there's no point in producing anything anymore unless it's all inclusive. It's David Grohl's option to do as he pleases, not please everyone with what he does.