Jared Lee

Andy Williams from Every Time I Die also wrestles as The Butcher in AEW.

Stop trading in this narrative. When was the last time this Democratic strategy *actually* worked? Obama beat Hillary by positioning himself to the left of her.

Ok, but what about Sasha Banks?


Came here to make this comment about Rudy’s Can’t Fail Cafe (co-owned by Mike Dirnt of Green Day).

Just wanted to send some internet love and positive vibes to you and your family. 

Well, not exactly possible at the moment, but Space Mountain with an edible is a helluva ride.

Sullivan in particular seems hung up on like a 18th or 19th century perception of “the public square” where the printed word is the only possible way for voices to be heard and debated in public.

Not only are all these things immaterial to Reade’s allegations, nobody ever seems to frame Biden’s honesty and integrity around say, his well noted plagiarism, or repeated lies about any number of things he's told just in this campaign alone (Mandela, pinning the medal into the soldier, etc).

I will say that since discovering it, I have been irrationally invested in Trader Joe's cultured, salted butter from Brittany.

Exactly! Rey being a ‘nobody ‘ in the story of Skywalker is a more interesting narrative choice. Putting her back in another bloodline keeps the SW saga self contained, keeps the universe small. Making her a not-Palpatine and then also showing “hey there’s more force sensitive kids in the galaxy now,” (as opposed to

...again, whether or not TLJ posits something new is not the same question as asking what the film addresses and how well it addresses it.

...because that’s how film criticism works?

But is the concept of Force sensitivity not being tied to bloodlines an inherent part of the thesis of any of the other films in the saga?

I don’t really think that claiming something as part of a film’s thesis is equivalent to “making a revolutionary statement.” I think he put that moment in the film to plant seeds for new stories as Johnson at this point would have been in discussions with or already announced for his separate trilogy.

Except it wasn’t “needless” and the film literally plays it for the viewer, and if you rewatch the movie and actually consider what’s going on, it’s entirely consistent with itself.

I don't really think that was the takeaway from the Poe/Holdo conflict. Poe's stubbornness in going through with the plan is actually what blows everything up.

It was integral to Finn’s arc in the movie. Canto Bight shifts his motivations from finding Rey to fighting for the Resistance. It’s also world building, intimidating at greater profiteering forces in the galaxy beyond the Resistance/First Order conflict. Finally, Canto Bight is the backdrop for TLJ asserting that

I’ve been thinking a lot about this for the past few days. I appreciate the framing of this article because my mom’s side is Japanese and my dad’s side is Chinese. My maternal grandfather signed up for the 442nd from Topaz Internment Camp, and it’s a decision that has always kinda baffled me. The need for collective