Jared Lee

Cuban espresso! Should have brought more, but also had cigars and rum (because, Cuba).

I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of Trader Joe’s gingerbread coffee, it has dried ginger and cinnamon in the grounds. It’s the best.

It wasn’t. But JJ did say: “Why did she not take advantage of this natural Force strength that this character had. And one of the answers was that it was simply a choice that she made, that her decision to run the Rebellion, and ultimately this Resistance, and consider herself a General, as opposed to a Jedi. It was

Nice hats can cost upwards of several hundred dollars. I wouldn't want to make a whole scene of it, but I also wouldn't want my hat crushed.


True story: the first and only time I watched Titanic was on a cruise ship.

Basically it was opposed by those who reject a harm reduction approach to LGBTQ public health issues. The AIDS Healthcare Foundation dude called it a “party drug,” which is just a really bizarre characterization. The fear is that it would reduce condom use...which it probably did to some degree, but those folks miss

Small point of information: “Beaver pelts were used as hats... “

Love the Fit..need an EV version!

Ooh, yeah, I grew up in the Berkeley hills and they’re pretty much around all the time!

Recently across the bay in SF, I discovered that the racoon I was trying to co-exist peacefully with was a racoon mama. I was taking the trash out and spotted mom. I had not previously seen the two pups (what is a baby racoon

“I don’t know that anyone gets anything out of seeing the same movie over and over again... “

Hansen’s is ok...but it’s like...the kid version of the adult drink. I’m shocked y’all ranked Virgil’s so low.

Henry Weinhard’s is also good!

Just here to give a thumbs up to the snazzy boater!

“Past Tense,” was a two part Star Trek Deep Space Nine episode from 1995 that now seems eerily prescient. The episode is set in 2024 San Francisco, where a new oligarchy has put all the homeless in “sanctuary” areas, walled off from the rest of the society.

WWE at MSG is a good first live show!

MSG is the ‘spiritual home’ of WWE. Back in the days of regional wrestling, WWF was the ‘New York’ territory.

It’s complicated. The war crime stuff is in the public interest and that was right to have been leaked.

This dude, Kushner, and the Subway guy are ruining it for me.....

I’m very excited to go in October, even if Rise of the Resistance isn’t open.

Ha, I do actually keep whole sacs of roe in the freezer for this.