
Finally, a truck that can haul around your mom.

The strike has cost GM output of more than 8,000 vehicles a day, according to analysts at IHS Markit. With each vehicle averaging about $8,000 in earnings before interest and taxes, and the walkout affecting nearly nine production days, GM has missed out on as much as $544 million in profit, based on calculations

The economy is not a charity organization. See Russia if you think thats a cool plan. Stay educated.


Your reading comprehension leaves a great deal to be desired.

I’m also salaried and I can tell you that if I don’t show up for work I have to take paid time off, and if I don’t have that I don’t get paid. Some union thugs blocking me from getting to work would definitely affect my ability to make money.

This is the type of BS that gives unions a bad reputation. It's great that you are in a union trying to fight for what you believe it's right but don't impede others from going to do their job.

And this is all “right to work” actually is, that unions can’t force you to participate in their activities.

Neutral: Unions need a little competition - as in split them up like we’ve done with other monopolies - make them earn/prove their worth.

“The trade war between the U.S. and China, a dramatically mismanaged fiasco orchestrated by President Trump...”

“Heritage”... “dual-clutch”

I’ll pitch in. I hate HOAs

So this is an at-will gig where you pick your own hours, have no barrier to entry besides owning a car, have no interview process, and can quit whenever you want with no repercussions and you make $30/hour. What exactly are people complaining about?

Sounds terrible. 

Maybe call a computer guy to take a look.

What did you study in college?

Not wanting to forever wipe your memory of joyful images, but I suggest you binge-watch plenty of kitten videos on YouTube after glancing at this picture, sorry...

I find this nameplate reuse more of an atrocity than even the new Blazer.

What (and I cannot stress this enough) the fuck is up with these new ads that FOLLOW YOU AS YOU SCROLL?!?