I can’t wait to start wishing this car had a proper manual transmission for real. It would be fantastic to comparison shop this against a GT350 and a Cayman S.
I can’t wait to start wishing this car had a proper manual transmission for real. It would be fantastic to comparison shop this against a GT350 and a Cayman S.
The police sketch shows that Morris is clearly at fault for the initial collision. He was on an EXIT ramp. By the time he is merging, the lines for the ramp would be solid (as shown in the sketch). You are NOT supposed to cross solid lines, that is why they are solid. The trucker merged from the left lane to the right…
yep... also go ahead and add weight for a minuscule aero/NVH advantage.
It seems like there was a time when a passive inertial device was used to lock seat belts during an accident. Tell me again why those passive devices need to be active, computer controlled devices that are one-time use and involve wiring and explosives?
You beat me to it!
20 vehicles and 16 - 18 of them are some form of SUV/truck. Mentally, I just can’t get past how fucking stupid that sounds. It’s also going to be awesome when the new Bronco gets released with a 10-speed auto as THE transmission option, because, of course.
I agree with Collins. I would add that yours is a bad take. You are centering the discussion on whether modern automatic gearboxes are competent and, in fact, great only giving credit to someone choosing one based on how mediocre a TH350 was in the 70's. This isn’t the debate.
The fact that total bullshit from someone like you, who doesn’t know me at all, would get more stars depresses my hope for this web community.
... nope.
I feel like you somewhat make my point for me and probably don’t realize it. A union, along with any other group of people, is just that: a collection of people who wield power. Sometimes, those groups of people go bad, sometimes they work well towards the intended cause. Corruption is a fact of life when it comes to…
I would buy a Cayman GT4 and a mid-60's Unimog. You can use the other $100k to keep them both running and insured till you are dead.
damn, beat me to it.
Two things:
Nope, the lack of an MT IS actually why it will not even be on my radar. No wrong about it. I would have to be gifted one to even consider it over a Mustang at this point, which makes me sad. I have always longed for the last generation 6MT cars till they inflated into the stratosphere.
No, even the Celica-Supra had a small I-6.
Neutral: In a Ford truck, it is a manual transmission. You simply can’t buy one from them anymore (it’s actually been a very long time). I still have a 97 F-250 primarily because it has one behind a diesel engine.
I tend to agree, more action would be more fun. That said, the way they drive those cars, it would end up being a race of attrition, which could take some of the urgency and excitement out of it.