Oh wow... Look at all those things to distract you from, you know, driving.
Oh wow... Look at all those things to distract you from, you know, driving.
Digital dash > analog gauges?
It would also be ruined by the constant death we’d see on track. The potential for mortal injury was a draw in the 50's - 70's but that level of danger would not be tolerated today.
they did... that was an actual reality check for folks that think electric cars run on flowers and unicorn turds.
1st Gear: I’m not going to defend Uber because we have all heard the stories about that company. I will say this though. There are SOOO many people who are tripping over themselves to hear the next ‘awesome’ news about technology moving us forward. There are tons of stories here on Jalopnik about how great the…
It is in the environment, in the form of smoke and suspended particles... from the fire.
Great job, now about that return trip...
Back where you are from, if you use a real threading die to ‘chase’ threads on a stud used for suspension bits you are making a dumber mistake than David. Suspension hardware is a higher class thread that is normally rolled/formed, rather than cut. This makes the root of the thread stronger, because of course you…
Wow another company pushing some ‘new’ technology talking out of both sides of its mouth.
If you think that isolating the design process to computer simulation work is sufficient, I truly hope you aren’t responsible for any product I interact with. Validation doesn’t happen on a computer. Validation happens when computer simulation results are proven with real world testing. ‘Modern modeling’ approaches,…
(Reads comments about new 6 on Jalopnik, a car blog. Sees many commenters whining about lack of Apple and Amazon software in new car. Shakes head and walks away even more down about the lack of a MT option, which other ‘car people’ dont seem to mind. Now a newly realized lack of overall interest in cars being just…
I’m not going to dignify this with a legitimate response. Thanks for your patronage.
Oh, okay. I guess what you are saying is that it shouldn’t have happened because it’s been done before. Got it
So often I see projects where media attention, twitter, trend-setting, being on the leading edge of technology, feelings, workplace happiness and being considerate are more important that just doing the fucking job right and doing it well. Who cares if this bridge was ‘self-cleaning’ or minimized traffic disruption.…
It just goes to show what many people already see to know: figures of authority seldom know the rules they are trying to enforce any better than those whom they are responsible for.
As a more general statement, I’ve had negative experiences at nearly every Ford dealer I’ve ever visited. They have bred a culture of simply terrible customer service and respect, not to mention leading the charge in crushing demand for some of the great cars they actually build in the form of ‘market adjustments’…
Neutral: I don’t particularly think they will, but I really HOPE they will (assuming their inherent problems would be sorted out). I really enjoy diesel powered vehicles and what their power source has to offer torque v. consumption efficiency.
What the MSRP will be, or the price dipshits that run dealerships will add as a market adjustment from the beginning (even though there will not have been an established market for the car up to that point)?
The comments today are a misinformation-smorgasbord. What a shit-show.