Right?! Did they not call that?
Right?! Did they not call that?
Can hardly wait to see the first edition of next year’s Jaguar’s junction.
Literally my very first thought was “Jason will be crushed. Then jazzed if he is good. Then crushed again.”
* not a blog
And not a word about how this is going to affect The Good Place? Bad blog.
the ships were all of the same design
If you are minimizing a failure to protect children you are a bad person- full stop.
Funny how these organizations that are supposed to defend interests of the athletes seem totally uninterested in defending the interests of the athletes.
Thomas unnecessarily pushed defender into the wall after the dunk. He should have been ejected and forced to write an essay on why touching Russel Westbook should be off limits..
Thomas was offsides.
What can a highlight truther truther when the highlight has no dribbles?
They did explain how The Orville stands up to the Krill ships as well as it does, but they did so in a properly subtle way. Early on in the episode, the Kaylon reference that they’re performing shield upgrades to the ship (which makes sense given at that point they had total control and were using it to lead their…
How’s this for perspective. When Harper’s contract is over Bobby Bonilla will still have 4 more “Bobby Bonilla Days” to get paid.
I know people who tip there when they pay cash. But, if I remember correctly, when you swipe your card tipping is not even an option which would lead me to believe that tips are not expected even if they are appreciated.
The stalls allow you to pay by card or by app and there’s not even an option to add a tip, so paying employees based off tipped wages is 100% bullshit and fraud.
I hope there aren’t any Terry’s on board.
He was only down there for a few seconds, but his recording device recorded 18 hours of static.
Finishing 4th is good in the EPL. Not so much in war.
Worth noting that Iran’s fast attack boats are not designed as suicide boats (though I don’t think the odds of survival are that good). They are equipped with rockets or missiles depending on the size:
Five good guesses?