
It might also be a money thing if the owner was overly focused on the bottom line. Winning the Copa Del Rey gets the team a total of €1 million. Going to the Champions League nets you €15,250,000 for the group stage, plus €2,700,000 for a win and €900,000 for a draw, as well as even more money for getting to the

The statuary limit for a contract with the city of DC is 20 years, unless you can get the full city council to approve, then they can issue a contract up to 99-years.  The 99-year contracts are pretty rare so it often winds up with 20-year rolling contracts. 

But I ask you where else should Batman stand if not in the middle?

Or they had her on a multi-year contract so killing her off in season two would cause her to be paid for 4 more years while not appearing on screen. 

It’s that way with US Navy ranks as well since Lieutenant Commander is a mouthful and shortening it to Lieutenant would be disrespectful. 

Like goatees mean evil mirror universe, beards on Vulcans means this Vulcan has emotions.  

The hope is with a shorter game they can sell the TV packages for more money. It’s the TV broadcasters pushing for shorter games.

Honestly a limited number of ships classes is fairly realistic. Get a design you like that works and then pump out thousands of them. The US Navy has like 450+ ships, but only like 13 types and most of those are old/new pairs (Nimitz/Ford, Los Angeles/Virginia, etc) or the 6 types of LPD\LPH Amphibious ships that

I did, the franchises are now owned by a franchisee corporation, Houchens Industries, separate from the central franchiser Sonic corporation, Inspire Brands. The wages changes are only at the 10 franchises (now eight as two closed) that Houchens bought, not system wide at all Sonics. 

This sounds like it’s a local franchise instead of a corporate store. 

I had assumed that the “Red Angel” is probably Michael Burnham from the future. It’s probably how they’re going to recont her not being mentioned at all (but to be fair Discovery doesn’t mention Sybok either).

I’m worried since they don’t know enough about the evolved Kelpians, like basic things, like can the evolved form reproduce or just the unevolved? They just evolved everyone and if they didn’t figure out that before hand after this generation that’s it for the Kelpians.

The likely won’t care very strongly, which is kind of the point. They’re big focus is jobs, so constructions jobs at the RFK site and the other Ward 7 sites west of the river, DC General and Reservation 13, fits that bill.

RFK Stadium, in DC’s Ward 6, where absolutely no one wants it.

The lawyers are usually paid for by the school, in this case Kansas. 

Probably not, history tells us once the Coyotes find out someone has been elected to anything as a Coyote, they’ll trade you to Montreal who’ll then assign you St. Johns.   

60 is a bit big for college football at the top level.  It’s more on the order of 10-15 schools are competitive and the rest just go through the motions since that is why a university of a certain caliber is “supposed to do”. 

Unless your running at total capacity where you are turning away a student who could afford to pay due to lack of space, scholarships at all institutions, public and private, are basically free to the University since the marginal cost of adding another student is basically nothing.

Athletic departments profits and losses are a lot like “Hollywood accounting”. Where things are charged against the budget at inflated rates, revenues are counted elsewhere, etc.   It allows them to plead poverty whenever someone asks where the money went while letting those who run it make out like bandits. 

The better question for those in category two is “What is the marginal cost of admitting an extra student?” not how much the scholarship is.