
It’s definitely theft, but i also think it becomes pretty inconsequential when it is a place you’ve spent significant money as a regular customer. Like, they’re not really losing out on the one <$10 glass if you’re also a reliable source of income for them.

All I will say is that how one apologizes and what they actually do to be better matters much more than the fact that they apologized.

I don’t know, it seems like y’all are giving Rich an awful lot of credit for a pretty self-involved postscript. If you have to say it’s an explanation, not a defense you’re just being defensive. Rich should have known better in 2012, like anyone with a sincere feminist politics did. He should have cared, not because

Bill Cosby does not “probably” rape. He has raped at least dozens if not hundreds of women in his lifetime. Chapelle offering up his conflicting emotions as a black man could be honest and important work. But he ends the bit with a refusal to condemn Cosby, which is a problem. There is nothing brave or self-reflexive

Right, but that framing still relies on the faulty idea that someone would ever need to rape in order to do good. As if that were just the price to be paid to save lives. Instead, the Cosby drama is about how someone used the privilege their good works earned them in order to violently assault countless vulnerable

The Tejano in me only wishes to point out that Tapatio is much more of a coastal phenomenon, whereas Texas has been dominated by Cholula since it’s introduction in 1989. I’m 90% certain Chris actually busts out some Cholula from that holster.

The anger at Maddow has been absurd. Was she supposed to ignore the return? Or just refuse to hype what was a real scoop, even if it wasn’t damning enough for people’s liking? Tweeting what’s gonna be on your show that night is standard practice, especially when you have an exclusive. The weird “I guess she was being

1) It’s not hypocrisy to hold men to the same insane standards as women, and there is no relevant direct comparison to be made between their experiences with beauty standards in the first place.

Strikes require massive infrastructure in order to ensure participation. There is no formula for a workable strike that is made up of privileged pockets of engagement from those wealthy enough to sacrifice. The sacrifice of the wealthy needs to be ongoing. They need to ensure the poor women who skip work have a

But she needn’t claim blackness for herself in order to feel most at home in and amongst blackness, right? As a white person she has the privilege of traversing all spaces. No doubt she faces patriarchy and perhaps other oppressions, but there’s no reason for her to claim blackness for herself when it’s primary

I thought she was saying “it’s not my fault or anything I planned.” But her whole tone was odd and what I read as defensive could definutely have been accusatory.

I only wish they had gone with silence instead of darkness. The history of the “shining a light” metaphor in journalism has most often been used to name the investigation of “social ills” like blackness and queerness, rather than the essential journalistic enterprise of holding the state to account. Plus, y’know, the

I would walk inside my house since I have no authority over these kids and shouldn’t engage with them. They’re children and I’m an adult who isn’t threatened by the “harassment” of having kids cut across my lawn. If I want to protect my property, I can contact the school, their parents, or finally (in this case

Right? It seems like her politics are definitely not mine. And yet, I can’t vilify her for striving for reconciliation. I can only critique from afar and offer a different set of solutions based in my own politics. I haven’t yet seen A united Kingdom, but I’m always excited to see the work done by black women of the

I seriously doubt that this film, which took years to write and produce, was trying to capitalize on a fascistic moment that has only been solidified in the international discourse over the last year. It’s unfortunate to be sure. It’s not a film I’m planning on seeing. But I trust that Amma Asante’s intentions were to

To be fair, Playboy also ran the Playgirl brand for more than 40 years. It struggled to retain relevancy the same way Playboy did and I believe was sold off several years ago. Now Playgirl is just like any other paid porn site. It would be nice if Playboy made themselves into a destination for nudes of all types of

Right, right. Hundreds of years of colonialism and genocide weren’t “illegal.” Illegal by whose standards exactly? Pretty sure the populations that have been and continue to be displaced, enslaved, and slaughtered by countries like the US would call that worse than “illegal.”

Right, right. Hundreds of years of colonialism and genocide weren’t “illegal.” Illegal by whose standards exactly? Pretty sure the populations that have been and continue to be displaced, enslaved, and slaughtered by countries like the US would call that worse than “illegal.”

Right, right. Hundreds of years of colonialism and genocide weren’t “illegal.” Illegal by whose standards exactly? Pretty sure the populations that have been and continue to be displaced, enslaved, and slaughtered by countries like the US would call that worse than “illegal.”

History is taught from a white perspective, predominantly about and for white folks. Sure there are better history classrooms/teachers in this country that are doing more to teach for and about communities of color, but POC still generally exist on the margins of what we teach as US history. Slavery is taught as a