
I haven’t! I want to, if only to speak about its artistic merit with more integrity. But I have no plans to before I can obtain it for free illegally, for the obvious reasons.

A couple of overprivileged white folks see it at the festival, think it will make them look woke af to distribute it, and bid exorbitant amounts of money that create unmeetable expectations. If they had just watched the movie, instead of fantasizing about all the awards and money they could make off of these black

I have a twin sister, and we probably slept with my mother from about 2 years old (when my parents divorced) till about six years old. Definitely got to the point where other family were brining it up in front of us, or offering some side-eye.

Was it a Take 5? I feel like I’ve definitely eaten a Take 5 out of the mailbox.

Every time these ghost-written books are mentioned from celebs like the Kardashians, someone makes a joke about them being illiterate. The idea that women who trade on their appearance can’t also be literate is an ugly and sexist response. I don’t care who it’s about.

I think what makes it feel so bad to people is that you can see all the potential for something great. There are glimmers of the great peeking through, teasing and enticing.

I think it’s a good call that no kid that young be under that kind of pressure. But I think the same thing about child athletes who put their bodies to the test day in and day out. Seems like a bad idea. I guess if it makes them happy, it makes them happy. Just seems like theres so much potential for abuse.

Demi, you are not an average body type.

We are so invested in a myth of happiness as that absolute, ineffable but obtainable (and even inevitable) thing; and all the obvious, outward signs of what that’s supposed to be.

I know it’s just a play on the song title, but the sad thing is that anxiety and depression leave one in a state of constantly pursuing happiness and never finding it. I hope he comes closer to finding whatever that is for him, after a great deal of struggle against the helplessness of that pursuit.

I don’t know about that. I’d argue that Paulson was only the lead in Asylum. Seasons 3 and 4 she shared those duties more concretely with Lange whose matriarch was always pulling strings and dominating the movement of the narrative (the same can even be said of Season 2). And in season 5 Paulson’s Sally was more of a

That’s true of basically any strategy.

Y’all, it’s not progressive or interesting to frame your show around a white family having to make room for an outsider POC. Especially if this is set in the present day. That’s why the pilot for a mail-order bride show with a Filipina stepmother was just axed at one of the networks. It’s a terrible fucking idea. Even

We all knew Priyanka was not after Swift’s sloppy seconds. Seriously though, how could anyone have options like Priyanka and Gillian for Bond and pass them over for these boring-ass men?? Still baffled.


Reece, Robby, and Kenyan should make a movie together

Admitting that race is a factor is neither an accusation against Knox nor a defense of Guede. Just becuase someone is obviously guilty of heinous things, like say a Bill Cosby, doesn’t mean that race disappears from the conversation around them and their crimes.

But you seem to be arguing that tabloid media is the only kind of media someone following European coverage could have had access to. That’s either ignorant or disingenuous.

Shocking that his opinions are as insufferable as his aesthetic

Pointing out that the common metaphors we fall back on in our politics sometimes fail to represent large portions of this country (like those with physical disabilities) is always constructive.