

Absolutely.  There was a guy I went to HS with.  He went to Nebraska as a tailback but his QB wanted the Heisman and never pitched on the option or audibled to a pass when he couldn’t.  Got pissed off and left Nebraska for a D2 school TWO WEEKS before the QB got benched or hurt - can’t remember exactly.  This guy

Not to reply to my own comment - but I want to make clear:  I do not believe that football should survive in its current form.  It has to change and should change.

I’m with you - completely. I think the only way that football survives is with the receding of the ‘Football at any cost’ mindset. I want to clarify that this was also 20+ years ago, so I hope it is on its way out.

I think part of the backlash is that this is also landing at the start of the season when all the FOOTBAW fans are getting hyped up for the Sundays to come. And here’s this STANFORD kid DARING to remind them that this entertainment has real life consequences for the men out there.

Yep - definitely. I know his name is anathema around here, but I agree with Dave Ramsey - you only get hurt on a roller coaster if you try to get off in the middle. It’s a reductivist argument because the ‘ride’ will go on well after I pull my money out for retirement, but if you’re not retired right now the money

My oldest is going into first grade and I think they will be learning cursive (Catholic School - so, you know, a bit old-timey).  Otherwise, yeah, cursive and penmanship is probably starting to slip to the side.

Don’t know if this even counts anymore, but my handwriting is poor (and with the time spent typing instead of writing) and getting a bit poorer.  I think I need to take steps to actively improve this, though.  Thinking about just getting a cheap notebook and trying to start journaling in order to focus on improving my

Starred for the John C McGinley gif.  Carry on.

I know United does this as well - happened to a coworker of mine a while back.

Missed Jersey Devil too.

How about a primer on the upcoming Rugby World Cup *Now Including the USA Eagles*?

Perfect, now fix that rust ASAP so you can run this thing for the next four years of winters while you finish/sell some other in-flight stuff. Get to one project at a time, David, for your sanity and to avoid becoming the proprietor of a junkyard-nee-house situation.

Fuzzy’s Taco Shop does a damn passable fish taco. May not be a name that many have in their area.

Used to work for the company that made Arby’s ‘Roast Beef’.

Robert Frost’s Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening is another good one for late fall/early winter bedtime recitation.  There is also a very nice illustrated book that we used with my oldest.  It’s very pleasant and calm for right before bed, and since he’s seen the pictures enough they ‘float’ through his head even

MF’ers have thumbs AND a bone in their penis!  That’s a dangerous combo.

I think it’s time to try a different approach with this one, D. Time for a full dis-assembly, repair, and rebuild. Rip out the carpets, seats, and headliner. Pull the hood and all the doors (that’ll keep the rats out while you clean and repair) and start working it down replacing metal cleanly and replacing full

Great work - this is exactly the stuff that we all need more of in our days.  Working hard for a purpose!  Strong work David.

Always loved these for keeping meeting notes: