Just a clarification - Sarah Palin put crosshairs on districts and not on any personal headshots or images of anyone. Here is her post (with an arrow pointing to Rep. Giffords district):
Just a clarification - Sarah Palin put crosshairs on districts and not on any personal headshots or images of anyone. Here is her post (with an arrow pointing to Rep. Giffords district):
I think this applies:
I agree completely. I think that one thing to add to cut down on that cover-for-each-other situation is to rotate them around through departments across communities. That would require a tremendous change in the nature of forces and departments but might help get more eyes on the problems, so to speak.
As complete as that list is, I don’t see Bishop, Cardinal, His Eminence, Reverend, Deacon, or Asshole on that image. And let me tell you, I’m certain there will be many of the latter at this event.
The old proverb, repeated by Benjamin Franklin but goes back to Shakespeare, is “a bad apple spoils his neighbor” referring to how one rotting will start the next and so on.
Maybe something for a few weeks down the road when the tomatoes are at their peak, but how about a gently warmed salsa in sous vide that includes infusing it with different flavors or veggies through a dip in the bath? Maybe a fresh corn salsa with other summer garden veggies that would benefit from a slow heating…
How about Beer-Braised Bratwurst instead of just hot dogs? Looking to do that for a grilling session on the 4th - sous vide (instead of boil in beer) and finish on the grill. Discuss...
If we want to make this actually stick, we need to find a way for this to matter to both parties. I’m really pretty conservative (hell, go ahead and call me a libertarian because I align towards that side pretty well) and the miscarriage of justice here is shocking. 20 years? For something that doesn’t sound like…
Exactly - who the hell is going to monitor the wireless and respond with properly formatted Morse every time there is an overwater distress transmission that needs relayed?
One way that doesn’t get thought of very much is plain old snail mail transmittal. Drop it at a neighborhood mail drop box after printing your screen images at a Kinko’s and you’re probably in the clear. The neighborhood drop boxes get postmarked at the post office after they’re picked up, many times the next day. …
You probably would be safest if you ‘laundered’ the data several ways - a physical photo of the document on a screen (instead of printed) and then running the images through an OCR program followed by encrypting the OCR’ed images. But, there are numerous things that could bork your attempt as well - say you forget to…
Amen to that - my house is 80 years old and I like to say it’s had 80 years to show me what’s wrong so long as I’m able to pay attention. The new houses you have to watch that stuff very closely. Your first few seasonal changes, watch your windows, your attic, and any exterior doors for water leaks.
Here’s the thing about floods that is so awful to me - as soon as all of that water soaks into your worldly goods, they become worse than useless. All that stuff that we love, now it’s not gone but it is hazardous to our health and ability to carry on with our lives. So all the stuff we have becomes this weight…
It is in old houses. Mine was built in the 30's and still has it’s original clay pipe main drain. I am, however, saving up to get it replaced because it’s only a matter of time.
I grew up with a yard of buffalo grass. It’s very low maintenance. It’s not the softest underfoot, however, so you’re not going to have a barefoot yard. But, it will work for grass.
My wife did this with our oldest when he was about 17 months. Think it was a part of a crayon - apparently he really wanted to smell it. Worked perfectly and once my wife calmed down everyone was fine.
Pork or roasted chicken ramen made the normal way but my add is I add smoked pulled pork into it as it’s microwaving.
The second point I have above is what I think might help those students that are not a good fit for the college track. The German model splits their students with the Oberschule students heading down the vocational type track along with their schooling. This looks more like traditional high school to us - no AP-type…