
Oh hell - just thought of something that hits me hard out of the blue as well. Any of those Calvin & Hobbes comics where Calvin feels sad or small or the stress of adulthood creeping into childhood. Really hits me thinking about how I want my boys to grow up and enjoy being small.

I can say as someone who has a five minute commute and makes decent money, I would need north of $185k/yr to put up with an hour commute each way.

Here’s another perspective - If it is in the company’s policy that you can bank PTO, in my state they have to have the actual cash on hand to pay out the entirety of the banked PTO for all employees at any given time. This can be a huge amount of money for businesses that are very labor-dependent (hospitals,

I know people out there that have troubles with the Sarah McLoughlan ASPCA commercials. Since becoming a dad, I’ve got issues watching anything with starving/abused/neglected/mistreated kids in it. There is a documentary on North Korea and it spends a lot of time with undercover camera work interviewing the street

But..but..then what buried THOSE bulldozers?


Can you tell me where exactly this theme park is? Fairly familiar with my state (and it’s faults) but that one never makes the roadside attractions anywhere I’ve seen.

Got one a few weeks ago on sale from Amazon for about $50. Let me just say - do it! Pick one that’s rated fairly highly and get it installed. The last thing I’d want is a fellow Kansan and Jalop reader to end up getting sued by this witch after an accident that she caused and somehow made it look like your fault.

something something golf ball through garden hose...

We call that ‘Spring’ when they burn the Flint Hills to get rid of the overburden grass and encourage new grass to grow. Also helps control most invasive weeds on the prairies.

It’s like an orange on a toothpick! I can hear his producer now - “Get out there, if you CAN! Totin’ that gargantuan cranium about...”

Just said the same thing - I’m in Wichita and if you don’t like it you can head right on out of town and land where you want to be. I love it here. Property is relatively cheap and good quality and we have very little traffic compared even to Kansas City, Denver, or Oklahoma City. I’ll just stay where I can own a

You’ve had a rough time coming through our state a few times and I think you were from here once upon a time, right? As far as I’m concerned, y’all can stay away. I like it here in my little corner of the world. We don’t have much traffic around my city and have great places to eat and some nice nightlife.

One addition to the separate accounts - I have mine at a completely different bank/credit union than my normal transactional accounts. It makes it even harder for me to just pull over and spend that money when I don’t need to. So far so good - it serves as my emergency fund as well as general savings. When it gets

For other TV to pull up with little kids - I can’t recommend Shaun the Sheep enough. No words, no earworms, and awesome animation all centered around a farm.

Completely agree - after two little boys, even the first few minutes of the first Harry Potter is off limits too. The wife cannot imagine leaving one of the boys in a basket on a doorstep even asleep and being watched over by a wizard or three. Frankly the rooms get a bit dusty as well if I think about it too much.

It’s behind the chesterfield.

I’m not sure which mine would be, but I have an uncle who swears he could throw a football over them-there mountains.

I will second this comment - plan your ‘exit strategy’ ahead of blowing the whistle or reporting anything to HR/Supervisor/Anonymous Ethics hotline. I had a supervisor shout me down during a conference call in front of very senior leaders, went home, polished up my resume, started applying for other companies, and