Relevant (to me at least):
Relevant (to me at least):
You missed the silent H.
For the last goddam time - it’s pronounce C-OH-ner, not Conner.
Now if only they could find a way to say something other than “Screw you for buying this” with the rest of the car.
As a Kansan - thank you for coming to my state and having fun. Also, sorry that there were - and are - assholes here that like this shit.
I think they use Red for phone lines around here. You are correct on all the colors I’ve seen used (although they would say municipal water instead of drinking water). I think I have seen them use black for hydrant water lines.
I’m not so sure. In those countries, especially in England, they didn’t have registries and just changed the laws making people come and turn their firearms in. I don’t think that we’ll ever get legislation like that in America quite because of the 2nd amendment. Or at least, we won’t have a confiscatory phase of…
Other commenters have brought this up that there aren’t restrictions on these people continuing to own their legally-held firearms but what the NRA capitalizes on is the fear that “This could change with the wrong people in power” and then they point at legislation from Australia and England that made firearm…
Alright, I’ll bite. I’m conservative and white and male.
Didn’t fast forward, but sure as hell turned the volume down on that guy. His enthusiasm was fun and genuine but it got grating when you wanted your fix of calm, reasoned, and effective Edd.
How the hell does he fold himself into that car? I’m imagining the scene involving Hightower in Police Academy.
I know! Balky still gets me emotional!
I know, I was replying to they guy who threw out Gordon Lightfoot. Follow the thread, yo!
I think there needs to be a thread about just that, and I’m certain there are several listicles out there around this very topic. I think we’d be way more creative than those, though.
And chain wallets, don’t forget those chain wallets and Doc Martin’s.
Soup vs. Stew - Viscosity is a big part, but so is the overall clarity of the liquid involved. Fairly cloudy and crude while being full of fairly large ingredients (big hunks of potato and beef)? I’m comfortable if you called that a stew instead of a soup.
Freshmen by Verve Pipe
No - here’s the goddam problem from one of the studies listed:
I just got done with this - and it was totally worth the five minutes. I called their national customer service line and went through the options > Residential > Existing Customer > All other Requests. Got to an agent and told him that I had a flyer from a local competitor that was half my current bill per quarter…