
But here’s the thing, though..actions have consequences. EVERYONE knows that if you, as an American, travel to North Korea, you are taking a HUGE risk, and if something happens, the US can do very little to help you.

I feel like if I was on an amazing beach resort vacation with my boo, the last thing I would want to do is walk around taking ‘candid photos’. Give me a disposable camera and a tray of margaritas and all is well.

And Ted Kaczynski? Hmmm....

I was a resident at Cook County Hospital and I can attest to the fact that some ugly shit went down there(and I worked at Cook near Cabrini’s end)

My attempt to comfort Rubio:

Here, I put Noble’s signal up, we’ll hear from him shortly

im not being an asshole im just cackling at 1072

Since forever. Had mine done on the porch, in the summer of 1072 by my aunt, with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth, music on, pepsi by her side, and a few scattered moonpie crumbs <—- said every black person in america ever.

I’m as white as the driven snow, but even I know those are cornrows. Like, really?

Some days I’m deeply conflicted about how I feel about capital punishment. Other days not so much.

I am so proud of this girl for telling someone. I am so sad for her, this is disgusting. But, that she found courage to tell someone is incredible.

Yes. Yes he is.

That one sentence — one sentence, mind you — is a thing of beauty.

I live in South Florida and none of this is even vaguely new or surprising. What was missed is the simple fact the Little Marco’s career is running for office. He lives on campaign and PAC dollars.

Don’t leave me, POTUS!


“I believe the integrity of Breitbart News, my own personal integrity, and the legacy of Andrew Breitbart are at stake

My son, then 16, was in Europe with his history class 3 years ago. They were in Paris, just hanging, when someone approached them, saying in a sing-song voice, “I love Par-ee!” Aidan, who had no idea at the time who Richard Simmons was, thought this was just some homeless guy approaching them, so (because he fully

Why would they have to be forced to develop different/separate personalities? This is who they are. They flourish together. Let them be. A lot of people have individual personalities and they are still fucking boring people. We had a set of old man twins in our neighborhood when I was growing up. They lived together,