
Best of This American Life? If you like Sedaris, the selections on these CDs is great (and I know he's at least one of the segments)

I won't, on principle, buy pirated movies, but I will make an exception for SP's. All the win, but no profit-sharing.

This. The claim that "sordid hacks" are necessary ignores the fact that "sordid hacks" are willing to bend the truth to the wishes of the highest bidder. And that ain't journalism.

That Rastadog (his name is Parker) is a poodle. They used a grooming technique called cording. I only know this because he's a local dog, and the paper where I work did a story on him.

@RiotGrrrl: "Moderately", LOL! Nope, I'm in PA. Let's see if you can make your co-worker's daughter cry two consecutive years!

@RiotGrrrl: PM me ;) I got two 9-year-olds who have samoas to unload.

Hey, Montana the special needs cat is at the same animal sanctuary as Michael Vick's former fighting dogs. AP just ran a story on their road to recovery.

@southernbelle: I feel ya. Veteran of Nick Jonas and the Administration.

Forget about "messing with the kids": just sneak the TV remote out of the house when the spouse gets up for a snack break, then randomly point the remote back through a window at the TV hitting Mute, Previous channel, etc., after they've returned to watch. One of my Top 10 moments as a spouse so far.

@BelleBreezing: I know... though if it WAS him, it would cure my crush on him once and for all. His wife is a smart woman, and stunning to boot (not that I know that firsthand, but, you know, from a distance of thousands of miles).

@coppertree: See: Sweet Life: On Deck, now on a Disney channel near you.

@jkopftwins: that would be BurgerRhenquistWhitePowell MarshallStewartStevens BlackmunBrennan....

@LoSpaz: I can't get through the whole list anymore, but I can still rattle off BurgerRhenquistWhitePowellMars... (Supreme Court circa 1977). Just imagine what useful information trickles out of the brain while leaving this intact.

@lrnmll: we had to do this in 5th grade, but I'm old, so it was easier — fewer presidents to remember, and no Bush I or II :)

@seedypete: I want to e-mail him about his incorrect and/or inconsistent use of correct grammar on the site, because his punctuation hasn't improved after several decades of schooling, but can't find an e-mail link...

@LucyPevensie: Best book we received when our girls were born... made me laugh out loud even through the PPD.

@maharesred: Everybody else's stuff is shit... theirs is holy territory that must not be touched.

Years ago the NYT did an article on her support of artists, and included her never-fail after-hours recipe when she had to feed lots of hungry people cheap: scrambled eggs. But with cream and yumminess and ooooh man, are they good.