@sybann: A moment of silence, please: For me, it is here. Not that my mom's not a lovely woman, but I was NOT prepared.
@sybann: A moment of silence, please: For me, it is here. Not that my mom's not a lovely woman, but I was NOT prepared.
@OneBigPear: Amen.
@Hana Maru: lucky, lucky, lucky!
Spongebob's teacher Mrs. Puff would be so proud. #womanpassesdriversteston950tht...
Wish we could tell if Bo's shaking his hind leg up and down — that's standard belly-rub procedure in our house. For our dogs. #barackobama
@televisionarie: I couldn't put it better myself, fellow Philadelphia sports fan! #jongosselin
@HelloTitty: Isn't she Bradley Cooper's ex? #reneezellweger
@EdnasEdibles: Thanks from me, too. My senator Specter is on the list, as is Byrd, where my family owns property. E-mails on the way; thanks for the heads-up. #frankenamendment
@SBJ: Thanks! #tuxedoyearbookpicture
@LaComtesse: Yes! It's not like her fellow students will be surprised. It's not like her mom doesn't know. Who are they "protecting"? This is who. She. Is. And she's fantastic. #tuxedoyearbookpicture
@DutchessOfDork: I'll bet it's [awkwardfamilyphotos.com] #tuxedoyearbookpicture
@burningdinner: I think his fly is gaping... #georgeclooney
@Dodgergirl: If your aim was to made me hide under my desk at work, Mission Accomplished.
I never realized until now that I've never seen them sulk or bicker in public. I'm trying to imagine my kids in the same situation...
@Sev: Thanks! Email happily sent along. Can't wait for my form response. Hope his server crashes.
One of my newspaper colleagues here in a very traditionally Amish and conservative Mennonite area of Pennsylvania wrote a series of articles on this very subject — with similar conclusions. So you can add that to the pattern, for what it's (sadly) worth.
@wedropscience: My kids are 7, and I can guarantee they are more polite than this in their written (and personal) communication.
@lilbobbytables is a la-di-da feminist: Mine, too! Happy belated!