Asked to comment on the “Changing the ‘Captain America Twitter Avatar to Captain Carter” controversy, Feige said, “What in the Goddamned hell are you talking about?”
Asked to comment on the “Changing the ‘Captain America Twitter Avatar to Captain Carter” controversy, Feige said, “What in the Goddamned hell are you talking about?”
Finally someone understands how to use Harley Quinn in a movie properly.
I think they’re different animals.
Y’all, this is a work. These dudes are absolutely best friends behind the scenes, just generating a little heat for the junket (and it worked!)
But there should be plenty of candy-ass grabbing.
Setting up gallows outside the Capitol and chanting “hang Mike Pence” is perfectly acceptable, but saying “let them die” metaphorically (about backwards ideas) is too much. It’s like Republicans are from Bizarro World.
It’s clear from the video that, “let them die,” was referring to the concepts, not any particular people. Even given that, I’m completely down with these nutjobs false interpretation of what she said. “Let” is the operative word. Even in their fucked up interpretation that doesn’t amount to “kill all these right wing…
Lavar Burton or cancel!!!!
God can take the wheel, so long as the state has her keys.
I agree that it’s not easy and not for everyone. I loved it though because I felt like I could handle it and that every night I was making a difference for the trans community and spreading a ton of awareness to people and groups that normally wouldn’t have been exposed. It wasn’t just an echo chamber, and that’s…
I think the tags were great overall. I just wish Twitch wouldn’t permanently ban me because I was the target of harassment and ruffled some feathers for invading a traditionally cis space. I spent most of my streams educating ignorant people on trans issues, and I was fine with that. I felt like the tools in place…
*sigh* I’ll just repost what I said EIGHT MONTHS AGO on another Kotaku article about Twitch. [Additional emphasis added to repost.]
it’s hard for trans people not to be jealous of each other when it’s exactly what we want and dream for, but can’t for whatever reason. I was born too early. I didn’t even know what trans was when I was a kid, which of course confused the hell outta me. That and I’m disabled with Crohn’s disease so I can’t afford it.
But then again, it’s a bad time being a woman in gamer spaces at all.
My first thought as a trans: It’s impossible to exist online without your identity being weaponized. You’ll have a bad time. It’s not fair.
Listen, none of us were there, so all we can go by are the accounts of those who were. You also, chose to conveniently ignore the part where the officer was said to have pepper sprayed the man and his family without cause, direction, or explanation.
You’re ignoring the bit about hyper-aggression and pepper-spraying a family with young children.
Truth. And the cop already had his plate number, so it wasn’t like he was going to “get away”
NYS troopers do not have body or dash cams. I know this after trying to file a complaint of a trooper who nearly killed me in this same area by “brake checking” and coming to a complete stop in the middle of 87. I, of course, got a ticket for the pleasure of dealing with this trooper and then got to pay more when I…
Honestly would it matter? You can show Academy Award-quality footage of police violating the rights of people all day long and you’ll get the same nonsensical cries of “COMPLY” from the bootlickers, and it still won’t guarantee any results in a court of law. We’ve been recording these fools for a minute and if…