
One thing I sometimes think about is that single player campaign thing they swear they’re still doing. Didn’t they claim to have completed the big name actors performances many years ago? Surely whatever mocap they used is heavily dated by now, are they still going to use it?

This is not the annual “star citizen is expensive” article. It’s the quarterly “star citizen is a scam and the creators belong in jail” article. Get your facts straight. Also, I have a bridge for you, send me a PM.

Perhaps the most ridiculous part isn’t the prices, but that after all this money and all this time, they still haven’t lived up to their original promises. Something that was supposed to happen in 2015.

I’m convinced that the editors of the AV Club sincerely have zero taste based on AAF’s cover of Smooth Criminal being on this list.

At least 2 or 3 songs on this list are actually good covers though.

Oh, thank God, what a relief. I was worried someone might make the argument guns are used impulsively. But apparently he could have murdered his wife with a chair, while his adult son sat by and watched, I guess? Fortunately it didn’t come to that.

If only the good people, son and wife, were armed there would have been a totally different outcome.  All 3 would be dead.  But, of course, it’s not the guns.  

The HBCU Pride Nation Twitter account is funny as all get out.

Eternals has its issues, but I liked how they did super-speed there too

“Fillion will specifically be playing Guy Gardner,”

Did you even read the article linked in that first sentence?

I love me a good Tuvix joke, but Janeway really was a fine character and Kate Mulgrew was exemplary in the role. It’s disappointing to see Prodigy go down this way.

How sure are we that that’s even the reason? What was the last DCEU movie to make real money? BvS? The ones from the post-pandemic era have been busts. Gunn’s suicide squad made like 200M, Birds of Prey around the same. Black Adam cracked 300M. Shazam made 133 M worldwide, HUGE bust.

I like it when idiots fuck around and then publicly find out.

they still go fucking apeshit, because they have no real identity other than their hate

I think the best part of Gwen being trans is that it has virtually nothing to do with the story being told, aside from the subtext underlying her speech to her dad. If she is trans, then that battle was already fought before we meet her, and she’s now stronger for it. Shitheads are always talking about how the woke

They’re like 8 foot, 9 feet, 10 foot. They look like aliens to us. Big eyes. They have big eyes.”

Gotta disagree with Linda here; if this ends up being closer to Lois & Clark in tone it’ll be a nice change of pace to the usual world-ending stakes of the movies. I’m definitely giving this a go. 

Ignoring the absolute slander on Pike’s Peak, I think any awkwardness from the Lower Decks crossover episode is probably because of how difficult comedic timing can be - this is a primarily dramatic trailer stitching together clips for a primarily dramatic show, the little snippits of comedy aren’t going to work as

This. All the way this. I was this person.

Consumer friendly practices and conveniance made me uncut the chord I cut long ago.

And all this bullshit is making me cut it all over again.